
   Automotive (2D) radar.

   Returns azimuth, range and range rate. The state vector may be
   any order. You pass the indices for the position and velocity states.
   The angle of the car is passed in d even though it may be in the state
   vector. The target must be within the field of view. If it is not the
   data is zero and the valid flag is 0. The radar also has a maximum

   This does not model the signal to noise ratio of a radar.
   The power received of a radar goes as 1/r^4. In this model the signal
   goes to zero a the maximum range.

   The valid flag is set to zero if the target is not in the field of
   view or out of range.

   x can be organized in any way you would like. For example:

   x    = [x1;y1;vX1;vY1;x3;y3;vX3;vY3];

   d.kR = [1 5;2 6];
   d.kV = [3 7;4 8];

   Type AutoRadar for a demo. The tracked car is oscillating about 
   the y position.
   [y, v] = AutoRadar( x, d )

   x	(:,n)   State may be any order.
   d (1,1)   Filter data structure
               .kR         (2,:) Position index
               .kV         (2,:) Velocity index
               .kT         (1,:) Torque index
               .theta      (1,:) Angle of car +x car respect to +x
               .noise      (3,1) 1 sigma noise (m; m/s; rad)
               .fOV        (1,1) Angle from +x for detection (rad)
               .maxRange   (1,1) Maximum range (m)
               .t          (1,n) Time vector
               .noLimits   (1,1) Set to 1 if range and fov limits are to
                                 be ignored.

   y	(3*m,1)	Measurements [range;range rate; azimuth] (m, m/s, rad)
   v   (m,1)   1 if the measurement is valid, 0 if it not valid



Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit