Check for duplicate tracks.
Compares treeID, measHist, scanHist, sensorHist.
Cycles through all tracks. Compares j'th track with k'th track (k>j).
If the two tracks have identical (treeID, measHist, scanHist, sensorHist),
they are marked as a duplicate pair.
If the two tracks have identical (measHist, scanHist, sensorHist) and
input "allTrees" is true, they are marked as a duplicate pair.
dup = CheckForDuplicateTracks( trk, allTrees )
trk (:) Track data structure array. Must include fields:
.treeID Integer track-tree ID
.measHist Integer array of measurement numbers
.scanHist Integer array of scan numbers
.sensorHist Integer array of sensor IDs
allTrees (1,1) If 1, then look for duplicates across all trees.
If 0, then look for duplicates within each tree.
Default is 0.
dup (N,2) Matrix of duplicate tracks. N rows of index pairs.
For example, dup = [3 5;4 7] means that trk(3) and
trk(5) are duplicates, and that trk(4) and trk(7) are