
   Initializes the MHT parameter data structure from parameter pairs. 
   You must enter the desired Kalman filter type (KF, EKF, or UKF) and
   associated filter data using the following parameters:

      'filter type'  (1,:) One of {'kf','ekf','ukf'}
      'filter data'   (.)  Filter data structure, see KFInitialize

   The filter data is appended to fScanToTrackData field automatically;
   only additional fields should be passed in via input using the
   parameter 'scan to track data'.

   Use the 'create track' parameter, with any value, to also create the
   first track from the filter data. nTrk will be set to 1.

   Type MHTInitialize for a demo data structure using KF. The fields are
   documented below.
   [mhtData, trk] = MHTInitialize( varargin )

   varargin       {:}  Parameter pairs

   mhtData        (1,1) Data structure of track management parameters 
   trk            (1,1) First track data structure


  Field              Size   Parameter name
   .pFA              (1,1)  'probability false alarm'
   .pH1              (1,1)  'probability of signal if target present'
   .pH0              (1,1)  'probability of signal if target absent'
   .pD               (1,1)  'probability of detection'
   .vC               (1,1)  'measurement volume'
   .nScan            (1,1)  'number of scans'
   .gate             (1,1)  'gate'
   .mBest            (1,1)  'm best'
   .nTrk             (1,1)  'number of tracks'
   .fScanToTrack     (1,:)  'scan to track function' i.e. @ScanToTrack1D
   .fScanToTrackData  (.)   'scan to track data'
   .fDistance        (1,:)  'distance function', i.e. @MHTDistance
   .hypScanLast      (1,1)  'hypothesis scan last'
   .pruneTracks      (1,1)  'prune tracks'
                     (1,1)  'remove duplicate tracks across all trees'
                     (1,1)  'average score history weight'

  Set by the function from the filter type and data parameters:
   .predict (1,:) Kalman filter predict function, i.e. @KFPredict
   .update  (1,:) Kalman filter update function, i.e. @KFUpdate
   See also: MHTInitializeTrk


Common: Estimation/EKFPredict
Common: Estimation/EKFUpdate
Common: Estimation/KFInitialize
Common: Estimation/KFPredict
Common: Estimation/KFUpdate
Common: Estimation/UKFPredict
Common: Estimation/UKFUpdate
MHT: TrackInitialization/MHTInitializeTrk
MHT: TrackInitialization/ScanToTrack1D
MHT: Utilities/MHTDistance