Track score given a scan of data.
This is the product of kinematic and signal track scores.
Assumes a Gaussian distribution for false returns. If you only enter
the first 5 arguments for you will just get the kinematic track score.
Type MHTTrackScore for a demo with just the kinematic track score.
[lR, lRK, lRS] = MHTTrackScore( y, filter, pD, pFA, pH1, pH0 )
y (m,1) Measurement vector (scan)
filter (.) Filter data structure
pD (1,1) Probability of detection
pFA (1,1) Probability of false alarm
pH1 (1,1) Probability of a signal if a target is present
pH0 (1,1) Probability of a signal if a target is absent
lR (1,1) Likelihood ratio
lRK (1,1) Kinematic likelihood ratio
lRS (1,1) Signal likelihood ratio
Reference: Blackman, S. and R. Popoli, "Design and Analysis of Modern
Tracking Systems," Artech House, 1999.
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
MHT: TrackScoring/MHTTrackScoreKinematic
MHT: TrackScoring/MHTTrackScoreSignal
MHT: Utilities/Residual