Compute the spectral radius of a discrete jump Markov system.
p must be symmetric and the same size as the number of matrices in a.
Type SpectralRadiusJumpMarkov for two examples from A. Vargas.
a = {[0 2;0 0.5], [0.5 0;2 0]};
p = [0.5 0.5;0.5 0.5];
a = {[2 1;0 0], [0 1;0 2]};
p = [0.1 0.9;0.9 0.1];
rho = SpectralRadiusJumpMarkov( a, p )
a {:} Cell array of state matrices nxn
p (n,n) Transition probability matrix
rho (1,1) Vector in b
Reference: V.Gupta, R. M. Murray, L. Shi, B. Sinopili, "Networked
Sensing, Estimation and Control Systems," January 2010.
A. N. Vargas, "A brief overview of Markov
jump linear systems," Seminar at BCAM.
MHT: Utilities/SpectralRadius