Demo JetEnginePerformance

Plot thrust as a function of mach number and altitude ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See also JetEnginePerformance, Plot2D ------------------------------------------------------------------------

%   Copyright (c) 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

p               = struct;
p.altitude      = [0 3 6 9 11 12 15]*1e3;
p.machNo        = linspace(0.1,2);
p.p0OverP9      = 0.955;
p.tT4           = 1800;
p.controlOn     = 0;

d               = struct;
d.units         = 'mks';
d.afterburner   = 0;
d.altitude      = 12000;
d.cPC           = 1004;
d.gammaT        = 1.3;
d.cPT           = 1239;
d.tT4           = 1800;
d.tT7           = 2400;
d.machNo        = 2;
d.piC           = 10;
d.tauC          = 2.0771;
d.tauT          = 0.8155;
d.piT           = 0.3746;
d.piDMax        = 0.95;
d.piD           = 0.8788;
d.piB           = 0.94;
d.piN           = 0.96;
d.etaB          = 0.98;
d.etaC          = 0.8641;
d.etaM          = 0.99;
d.p0OverP9      = 0.5;
d.hPR           = 42800000;
d.f             = 0.03567;
d.pT9OverP9     = 11.62;
d.m0Dot         = 50;
d.piCMax        = 12.3;
d.throttleRatio = 1.2;
d.engine        = 'single spool turbojet';

g = JetEnginePerformance(p,d);

Plot2D(p.machNo,g.force,'M','F (N)','Jet Engine Performance')
l = cell(1,length(p.altitude));
for k = 1:length(p.altitude)
  l{k} = sprintf('%4.0f km',p.altitude(k)/1000);
