Compute / plot the stagnation temperature vs. mach for several altitudes

See also TemperatureStagnation, StdAtm
%   Copyright (c) 2013 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All Rights Reserved

% Mach and altitude vectors
m = linspace(0,6);
h = [10 : 10 : 60]*1e3; % meters

% Compute stagnation temperature curves
t0 = zeros(length(h),length(m));
for k = 1:length(h)
    p = StdAtm(h(k));
    v = p.speedOfSound*m;
    t0(k,:) = TemperatureStagnation( v, h(k) ) - 273;

% Hypersonic flight
hHyper  = 50000;
mHyper  = 5;
pHyper  = StdAtm( hHyper );
vHyper  = mHyper*pHyper.speedOfSound;
tHyper  = TemperatureStagnation( vHyper, hHyper ) - 273;

% SR-71
hSR71   = 40000;
mSR71   = 3.2;
pSR71   = StdAtm( hSR71 );
vSR71   = mSR71 * pSR71.speedOfSound;
tSR71   = TemperatureStagnation( vSR71, hSR71 ) - 273;

% Commercial airliner
hComm   = 35000;
mComm   = 0.85;
pComm   = StdAtm( hComm );
vComm   = mComm * pComm.speedOfSound;
tComm   = TemperatureStagnation( vComm, hComm ) - 273;

% Plot curves
Plot2D(m,t0,'Mach','T (deg-C)','Stagnation Temperature')
leg = cell(1,length(h));
for i=1:length(h)
  leg{i}=sprintf('%d km',h(i)*1e-3);
legend(leg{:}, 'location','NorthWest' )

% Add location of example aircraft
hold on
x = [mHyper, mSR71, mComm];
y = [tHyper, tSR71, tComm];
lab = {'Hypersonic','SR-71','Commercial'};
for j=1:length(x)
  plot(x(j), y(j),'r.','markersize',18)
  text(x(j)+.1, y(j)+90, lab{j},...
