Skin friction and supersonic lift and drag.
Skin friction
u = logspace(-1,3);
p = StdAtm(1000);
R = u/p.kinematicViscosity;
cFT = 0.455*(log10(R)).^(-2.58);
cFL = 1.328./sqrt(R);
uT = cFT.*u.^2;
uL = cFL.*u.^2;
Plot the results
Plot2D(u,[uT;uL],'U','c_f u^2','Skin Friction','log',{},{},1,[],1);
Lift and drag supersonic to hypersonic
m = linspace(1.2,10);
u = m.*p.speedOfSound;
R = u/p.kinematicViscosity;
cFT = 0.455*(log10(R)).^(-2.58);
[cD, cL] = CDCLHypersonic( m, 4*pi/180, p, [], 0.001 );
lM = LiftToDragFromMach( m );
Plot the results
Plot2D(m,[cD;cL;cL./cD;cFT;lM],'M',{'c_L' 'c_L/c_D' 'c_D' },...
'Lift and Drag Coefficients','lin',{'[2]' '[3 5]' '[1 4]'},{},1,[],1);
legend('Hypersonic', 'Skin', 'location', 'best' )