Model of the Pratt & Whitney F135 Engine.

The afterburner temperature was scaled to produce the correct thrust with reheat. The mass flow was set to produce the correct thrust without reheat.

% References:
%   [1]
%   [2]
%   [3]

%   Copyright (c) 2010 Princeton Satellite Systems
% 	All rights reserved

clear d p q s

% F135 parameters
thrustMax     = 191.3e3;          % N [2] [1] Afternburner
thrustInter   = 128.1e3;          % N [2] [1] No reheat
radius        = 1.30/2;           % m [2]
mass          = 3750/2.250;       % kg [3]
d             = struct();
d.h0          = 0;                % Sea level reference
d.alpha       = 0.57;             % Bypass ratio   [2]
d.cPAB        = 0.295*4186.8;     % Afterburner specific heat (J/kg-K)
d.cPC         = 0.240*4186.8;     % Air specific heat (J/kg-K)
d.cPT         = 0.295*4186.8;     % Air/Fuel specific heat (J/kg-K)'
d.etaAB       = 0.95;             % Afterburner efficiency
d.etaB        = 0.99;             % Burner efficiency
d.etaCH       = 0.8761;           % High pressure compressor efficiency
d.etaF        = 0.8663;           % Fan efficiency'
d.etaMH       = 0.99;             % High pressure machinery efficiency
d.etaML       = 0.99;             % Low pressure machinery efficiency
d.etaTL       = 0.9169;           % Low pressure turbine efficiency
d.f           = 0.0308;           % Fuel/air ratio
d.gammaC      = 1.4;              % Atmosphere gamma
d.gammaAB     = 1.3;              % Afterburner ratio of specific heats
d.gammaT      = 1.3;              % Burner ratio of specific heats
d.hPR         = 18400*2326;       % Fuel heating value (J/kg)
d.m0Dot       = 306/2.205;        % Mass flow at entrance to inlet (kg/sec) [1]
d.m16         = 0.386;            % Mach number at mixer entrance
d.m6          = 0.4;              % Mach number at the jet nozzle exit
d.m0          = 0;
d.p0OverP9    = 1;                % Inlet/outlet pressure ratio
d.piAB        = 0.94;             % Afterburner pressure ratio
d.piB         = 0.94;             % Burner pressure ratio
d.piC         = 28;               % Compressor pressure ratio [2]
d.piF         = 4.16;             % Fan pressure ratio
d.piN         = 0.98;             % Nozzle pressure ratio
d.piTH        = 0.46591;          % High pressure turbine pressure ratio
d.piTL        = 0.474813996061;   % Low pressure turbine pressure ratio
d.piMMax      = 0.96;             % Mixer maximum pressure ratio
d.piDMax      = 0.98;             % Diffuser maximum pressure ratio
d.tauTH       = 0.8548;           % High pressure turbine temperature ratio
d.tauTL       = 0.8552;           % Low pressure turbine temperature ratio
d.tauR        = 1;
d.tT4         = (2800 + 459.67)*5/9; % Reference combustor temperature (K) [3]
d.tT7         = 3900*5/9;         % Reference afterburner temperature (K) [1]
d.pT16OverPT6 = 1;
d.theta0      = 1;

m               = linspace(0,2);
h               = [0 1 10 20 30]*1000;
p.afterburner   = 0;
p.throttleRatio = 1;                % Throttle ratio
p.tT4           = d.tT4;            % Combustor temperature   (K)
p.tT7           = d.tT7;            % Afterburner temperature (K)

% Mach number and altitude
q.m = m;
q.h = h;

% Set path for generated files
cd0 = cd;
P = mfilename('fullpath');

% Without afterburner
disp('Turbofan without afterburner...');
[t, sFC] = EngineTable( 'turbofan', h, m, d, p );

fprintf(1,'Max thruster without afterburner = %12.4f kN\n',t(1,1)/1000);

q.thrust = t;
q.sFC    = sFC;
WriteEngineData( 'F135Turbofan.txt', q );

% With afterburner
disp('Turbofan with afterburner...');
p.afterburner = 1;
[t, sFC] = EngineTable( 'turbofan', h, m, d, p );

q.thrust = t;
q.sFC    = sFC;

WriteEngineData( 'F135Afterburner.txt', q );

fprintf(1,'Max thruster with afterburner = %12.4f kN\n',t(1,1)/1000);

% Ramjet
m                 = linspace(1.3,6);
d                 = EngineExample('ramjet');

d.m               = m;
d.h               = h;
s.m               = m;
s.h               = h;
[s.thrust, s.sFC] = EngineTable( 'ramjet', h, m, d );

WriteEngineData( 'F135Ramjet.txt', s );


Turbofan without afterburner...
Max thruster without afterburner =     128.1377 kN
Turbofan with afterburner...
Max thruster with afterburner =     191.6907 kN