Demonstrate a ramjet.

Shows specific impulse and thrust ratio as a function of Mach number. Each line in the plot is for velocities from Mach 1 to Mach 4.5 and for a different altitude profile. This model includes non-ideal pressure ratios for the diffuser, nozzle and combustor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See also StdAtm, Plot2D, Ramjet, UE ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Engine parameters

clear d; clear M; clear iSp; clear thR;
d.gamma     = 1.4;      % Airflow ratio of specific heats
d.etaB      = 1.0;      % Combustion efficiency
d.qR        = 42800000; % Joules/kg for the fuel
d.t04       = 2777;     % Combustor temperature (deg-K)
d.cP        = 1004;     % Air specific heat
d.pEOverPA  = 1.0;      % Ratio of exit pressure to atmospheric pressure
d.aI        = 1.0;      % Inlet area
d.rD        = 0.7;      % Diffuser pressure ratio
d.rC        = 0.97;     % Combustor pressure ratio
d.rN        = 0.96;     % Nozzle pressure ratio
d.aE        = 1.0;      % Exit area

Do each altitude profile

hFinal      = [30 40 50]*1000;

n           = size(hFinal,2);
m           = 50;
l           = cell(1,n);
machNo      = linspace(1,7.5,m);
thR         = zeros(n,m);
iSp         = zeros(n,m);
M           = zeros(n,m);

for k = 1:n
  h       = linspace(0,hFinal(k),m);
  p       = StdAtm( h );
  [t, tSFC, uE, f, iSp(k,:), thR(k,:)] = Ramjet( machNo, d, p );
  M(k,:)	= machNo;
  l{k}    = sprintf('Max altitude = %3.1f km',hFinal(k)/1000);

Plot2D( M, thR, 'M', 'Thrust Ratio (N/kg-s)' );
Plot2D( M, iSp, 'M', 'I_{sp} (sec)' );
