Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model

The example is taken from:

Stevens, B.L., Lewis, F.L. , Aircraft Control and Simulation, John Wiley & Sons, 1992, pp. 354-358.

See also CCV, EVAssgnC, IC


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Plant matrix

disp(' ------------------------ Eigenvector Assignment ------------------------')
g = CCV;
 ------------------------ Eigenvector Assignment ------------------------

Desired eigenvalues


j      = sqrt(-1);
lambda = [ -5.6 + j*4.2;...
           -5.6 - j*4.2;...
lambda =
         -5.6 +        4.2i
         -5.6 -        4.2i
           -1 +          0i
          -19 +          0i
        -19.5 +          0i

Desired eigenvectors

vD = [ 1-j  1+j  0  1  1;...
      -1+j -1-j  1  0  0;...
	    0    0    0  0  0];

We really want to decouple gamma

w  = [ 1    1    1  1  1;...
       1    1    1  1  1;...
       100  100  1  1  1];

% The design matrix. One column per state
% Each row relates vD to the plant matrix
% For example, rows 7 and 8 relate column
% 3 in vD to the plant. In this case
% vD(1,3) relates to state 2 and vD(2,4)
% relates to state 3.
d  = [eye(3),zeros(3,2);...   % Desired structure for eigenvector 1
      eye(3),zeros(3,2);...   % Desired structure for eigenvector 2
	    0 1 0 0 0;...         % Desired structure for eigenvector 3
	    0 0 1 0 0;...         %
	    0 0 0 1 0;...         % Desired structure for eigenvector 4
	    0 0 0 0 1];           % Desired structure for eigenvector 5

% Rows in d per eigenvalue
% Each column is for one eigenvalue
% i.e. column one means that the first three rows of
% d relate to eigenvalue 1
rD = [3,3,2,1,1];

Compute the gain and the achieved eigenvectors

disp(' ')
[k, v] = EVAssgnC( g, lambda, vD, d, rD, w )
k =
     -0.96896     -0.15349      -3.3999     -0.14628      0.76989
       1.3765      0.26067       7.7643      0.46339      -1.2891
v =
  Columns 1 through 2
      0.22361 -   0.057239i      0.22361 +   0.057239i
      -1.0079 +     1.1743i      -1.0079 -     1.1743i
   -0.0077639 +  0.0094276i   -0.0077639 -  0.0094276i
       0.7188 +    0.45808i       0.7188 -    0.45808i
      -1.6308 -    0.37285i      -1.6308 +    0.37285i
  Columns 3 through 4
           -1 +          0i    -0.050762 +          0i
   4.4832e-16 +          0i       1.0725 +          0i
            1 +          0i   -0.0056849 +          0i
       -2.801 +          0i            1 +          0i
       3.2331 +          0i            0 +          0i
  Column 5
      0.01058 +          0i
     0.060078 +          0i
    -0.013661 +          0i
            0 +          0i
            1 +          0i

Create the closed loop system

[a, b, c ] = getabcd(g)
aCL    = a - b*k*c;

disp(' ')
disp('Closed loop eigenvalues')
a =
       -1.341       0.9933            0      -0.1689      -0.2518
       43.223      -0.8693            0      -17.251      -1.5766
        1.341       0.0067            0       0.1689       0.2518
            0            0            0          -20            0
            0            0            0            0          -20
b =
     0     0
     0     0
     0     0
    20     0
     0    20
c =
            0            1            0            0            0
        47.76       -0.268            0        -4.56         4.45
            0            0            1            0            0
            0            0            0            1            0
            0            0            0            0            1
Closed loop eigenvalues
ans =
         -5.6 +        4.2i
         -5.6 -        4.2i
           -1 +          0i
          -19 +          0i
        -19.5 +          0i


g = set( g, aCL, 'a' );
x = [0.2;0;0;0;0];
IC( g, x, 0.005, 600 );
