Demonstrate linear quadratic regulator with loop transfer recovery.

Reference: Stevens, B.L., Lewis, F.L. Aircraft Control and Simulation
John Wiley & Sons, 1992, pp. 521-535.
See also AC, F16, @statespace/statespace.m, C2DZOH, LFBal, LQC, ND2SS,
Plot2D, Rename


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F16 lateral dynamics including actuator dynamics

g = F16('g lateral');

Frequency vector

w = logspace(-3,2);

Add integrators and balance the low frequency singular values

LFBal( g, 1 );
g = LFBal( g, 1 );
Rename('Plant Low Frequency Balanced')

Create the high frequency limit which is 1/m(w)

[a, b, c, d] = ND2SS(20, [1 2] );

gMInv = statespace( a, b, c, d, 'm inverse' );

Create the low frequency limit

a         = 0.31464;
[a,b,c,d] = ND2SS( [1 0]/3.7, [1 3*a 3*a^2 a^3]);
gGust     = statespace( a, b, c, d, 'gust' );

For the estimator

t       = [];
t.qE    = diag([0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 1 1]);
t.rE    = eye(2);

Robustness limits

t.gHigh = gGust;
t.gLow  = gMInv;

Adjustable parameter to recover robustness

t.rho   = sqrt(1e-11);
t.q0    = 0;
t.w     = w;

gC      = LQC( g, t, 'lqgltro' );
Closed loop eigenvalues
ans =
     -0.42264 +     3.0634i
     -0.42264 -     3.0634i
      -3.6152 +          0i
    -0.016303 +          0i
        -20.2 +          0i
        -20.2 +          0i
            0 +          0i
            0 +          0i
      -243.77 +     641.07i
      -243.77 -     641.07i
      -661.23 +     292.32i
      -661.23 -     292.32i
      -24.166 +     54.277i
      -24.166 -     54.277i
      -53.965 +     18.421i
      -53.965 -     18.421i

Do the step response

dT = 0.001;
[aP,bP,cP,dP] = getabcd(g);
[aC,bC,cC]    = getabcd(gC);

[aP,bP] = C2DZOH(aP,bP,dT);
[aC,bC] = C2DZOH(aC,bC,dT);

nSim    = 10/dT;
x       = zeros(length(aP),1);
y       = zeros(2,nSim);
t       = linspace(0,(nSim-1)*dT,nSim);
xC      = zeros(length(aC),1);
for k = 2:nSim
	y(:,k) =  cP*x;
	uC     =  cC*xC;
	xC     =  aC*xC + bC*(y(:,k) - [1;0]);
	x      =  aP*x + bP*uC;
Plot2D(t,y,'Time (sec)','Angles');
