Run a linearized simulation of the OH6A.

See also StateSpacePlot, DrawAC, HUD, HUDCntrl, OH6A, CToD,
PropStateSpace, Eul2Q, QTForm, TimeGUI


%  Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%  All rights reserved.

Global for the time GUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Global for the HUD

global hUDOutput
hUDOutput = struct('pushbutton1',0,'pushbutton2',0,'checkbox1',0,...

The OH6A state space model

g = OH6A;

ans =
      -4.9262 +          0i
      -2.0103 +          0i
     -0.82094 +          0i
     0.014268 +    0.51232i
     0.014268 -    0.51232i
  -0.00013746 +    0.40823i
  -0.00013746 -    0.40823i
      -0.2294 +          0i

Create a z transform model

g = CToD( g, 0.01, 'zoh' );

Initial state vector

x    = [.902; -.053; -.052; -.230; -.339; -.04; -.020; -.109];

HUD state vector

xHUD   = struct;
xHUD.v = x(1:3);
xHUD.h = 0;
xHUD.e = [x([8 4]);0];

Set up the HUD

dHUD          = struct;
dHUD.atmData  = load('AtmData.txt');
dHUD.atmUnits = 'eng';
dHUD.type     = 'helicopter';

Initial control values

cHUD                            = struct;
cHUD.control.collective         = 0;
cHUD.control.longitudinalCyclic = 0;
cHUD.control.lateralCyclic      = 0;
cHUD.control.rudder             = 0;
cHUD.control.throttle           = 0;

Control ranges

cHUD.collectiveMax              = pi/2;
cHUD.longitudinalCyclicMax      = pi/2;
cHUD.lateralCyclicMax           = pi/2;
cHUD.rudderMax                  = pi/2;
cHUD.dT                         = get( g, 'dT' );

Initialize the HUD

hHUD = HUD( 'init', dHUD, xHUD, [], cHUD );

Initialize the plots

nSim    = 1000;
plots   = struct;
plots.x = 1:8;
plots.u	= 1:4;
plots.g = g;
dPlot   = StateSpacePlot( 'init', plots, nSim, nSim );


r = [0;0;200];

gCobra = load('gCobra');
hCobra = DrawAC( 'init', gCobra, struct('r', r, 'q', [1;0;0;0]), [], dHUD.atmUnits);

Initialize the time display

tToGoMem               = struct;
tToGoMem.lastJD        =  0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone =  0;
tToGoMem.kAve          =  0;
dT                     = get( g, 'dT' );
[ratioRealTime, tToGoMem] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, dT, 'OH6A Simulation' );

for k = 1:nSim

	% Display the status message
	[ratioRealTime, tToGoMem] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );

     % State information. The model does  not include all rotational states
    v     = x([1 2 5]);
    e     = [x([8 4]);0];
    omega = [x([7 3]);0];

    % HUD information
    xHUD.v = v;
    xHUD.h = 0;
    xHUD.e = e;
    q      = Eul2Q( e );
    hHUD   = HUD( 'run', dHUD, xHUD, hHUD, cHUD );

    % Controls
    u = -[.791  .107  -.187 -.479 .275  .015  .004 .111;...
          .074 -.573  -.010 -.025 .110  .327 -.007 .024;...
         -.248  .023   .017  .146 .625  .053  .081 .446;...
          .151 -.321  -.006 -.023 .086 -.911  .036 .036]*x;

    % Plotting
    dPlot = StateSpacePlot( 'store', x, [], u, dPlot );

    % 3D Display
    hCobra = DrawAC( 'run', gCobra, struct( 'r', r, 'q', q ), hCobra, dHUD.atmUnits );

    % The simulation
    x = PropStateSpace( g, x, u );
    r = r + dT*QTForm( q, v ); % Simple Euler integration

    % Time control
    switch simulationAction
        case 'pause'
        simulationAction = ' ';
        case 'stop'
        case 'plot'



Plot the results

StateSpacePlot( 'plot', dPlot );
