Simulate the trajectory of the aircraft

scale allows you to change the mass and thrust. However, if you make the mass lower, the dynamics speed up and you may have to decrease dT.

This is set up for takeoff, straight line flight, a turn, return to the airfield, another turn and a landing.

If printFig is true, creates PDFs of the figures.


%   Copyright (c) 2019 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since 2019.1

% Flag to print the plots
printFig    = false;
n           = 100; % Number of sim steps
dT          = 1; % s
rTD         = 180/pi;
controlOn   = true;
vCruise     = 200; % m/s
vClimb      = 100; % m/s
hCruise     = 10000; % M
phiTurn     = pi/16; % rad
gammaClimb  = pi/16; % rad
dReturn     = 800e3; % m
tTest       = 30; % How long the aircraft stays at peak Mach
machTest    = 3; % Peak Mach
g           = 9.806; % k/m^2
fSp         = 16.1e-6; % kg/N/s
scale       = 1; % For scaling the aircraft
massFuel    = scale*10000; % kg

Control parameters

tauV          = 100; % Time constant for velocity control (s)
tauGamma      = 1; % Time constant for fligh path angle control  (s)

segment       = 1;
distance      = 0;
time          = 0;
sP            = struct('v',0,'t',0,'psi',0,'h',0,'d',0,'gamma',0,'phi',0,'transition','','rT',[0;0;0],'tT',0);
setPoint(10)  = sP;
for j = 1:10
  setPoint(j) = sP;

% Used for segment creation
s             = StdAtm(hCruise);

% Set up the segments
% Speed is in m/s, altitude m and psi is radians

j = 1;
setPoint(j).transition = 'speed';     % Takeoff
setPoint(j).v = vClimb;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'altitude';  % Climb
setPoint(j).gamma	= gammaClimb;
setPoint(j).h     = hCruise;
setPoint(j).v     = vClimb ; j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'speed';   	% Accelerate
setPoint(j).h     = hCruise;
setPoint(j).v     = machTest*s.speedOfSound;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'time';    	% Hold speed
setPoint(j).h     = hCruise;
setPoint(j).t     = tTest;
setPoint(j).v     = machTest*s.speedOfSound;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'speed';   	% Decelerate
setPoint(j).h     = hCruise;
setPoint(j).v     = vCruise;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'heading'; 	% Change heading
setPoint(j).phi   = phiTurn;
setPoint(j).v     = vCruise;
setPoint(j).h     = hCruise;
setPoint(j).psi   = pi;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'distance';	% Fly until ready to turn for landing
setPoint(j).h     = hCruise;
setPoint(j).v     = vCruise;
setPoint(j).d     = dReturn;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'heading'; 	% Turn for landing
setPoint(j).phi   = phiTurn;
setPoint(j).v     = vCruise;
setPoint(j).h     = hCruise;
setPoint(j).psi   = 2*pi;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'altitude';  % Land
setPoint(j).gamma	= -gammaClimb;
setPoint(j).v     = vClimb;
setPoint(j).h     = 0;    j = j + 1;

setPoint(j).transition = 'speed';     % Roll to stop

Start by finding the equilibrium controls

d         = RHSPointMassAircraft;
d.engine  = @RDEEngine;
d.fSp     = fSp;
d.m       = scale*d.m;
d.s       = scale*d.s;
x         = [0;0;0;0;0;0;massFuel];


xPlot       = zeros(length(x)+7,n);

t           = 0;
segmentOld  = 0;

WaitBarManager( 'initialize', struct('nSamp',n,'name','Aircraft Simulation') );

maxX        = 0;

for k = 1:n

	if( x(6) < 0 )
    x(6) = 0;

  if( segment < 6 )
    maxX = max([maxX x(4)]);
    setPoint(7).d = maxX;

  if( x(6) >= 0 )
    h = x(6);
    h = 0;
	s           = StdAtm(h);
  d.density   = s.density;

  % Get lift and drag for plotting
  [~,L,D]     = RHSPointMassAircraft( x, 0, d );

  % Find the specific fuel consumption
  [~,fSp]     = ThrustConstant(x,s.density,d);
  d.fSp       = fSp;

  % Plot storage
  xPlot(:,k)  = [x;L;D;d.alpha*rTD;d.thrust;d.phi*rTD;segment;fSp];

  % Out of fuel
  if( x(7) <= 0 )

  % Control the aircraft
	if( controlOn )
    % Set point
    [segment, setPoint, distance, time] = Trajectory(x,t,segment,setPoint,distance, dT, time);

    if( segment > segmentOld )
      segmentOld            = segment;
      setPoint(segment).rT  = x(4:6)/1000;
      setPoint(segment).tT  = t/60;

    % Control
    [d.thrust, d.alpha] = AircraftTrajectoryControl( x, d, tauGamma, tauV, setPoint(segment).v, setPoint(segment).gamma );
    d.phi = setPoint(segment).phi;

	WaitBarManager( 'update', k );

  % Integrate
  x           = RK4( @RHSPointMassAircraft, x, dT, 0, d );
  t           = t + dT;

  % Landed
  if( segment == j && x(1) < 10 )


WaitBarManager( 'close' );

Plot the results

xPlot         = xPlot(:,1:k);
xPlot(2,:)    = xPlot(2,:)*rTD;
xPlot(4:6,:)  = xPlot(4:6,:)/1000;
yL            = {'v (m/s)' '\gamma (deg)' '\psi (deg)' 'x_e (km)'  'y_n (km)' 'h (km)'  'm_f (kg)',...
                 'L (N)' 'D (N)' '\alpha (deg)' 'T (N)' '\phi (deg)' 'Segment' 'f (kg/N/s)'};
[t,tL]        = TimeLabel(dT*(0:(k-1)));

kL = [1 3 6 12];
PlotSet( t, xPlot(kL,:), 'x label', tL, 'y label', yL(kL),...
  'figure title', 'Segment Objectives' );

PlotSet( t, xPlot(1:6,:), 'x label', tL, 'y label', yL(1:6),...
  'figure title', 'Aircraft State' );

PlotSet( t, xPlot(8:13,:), 'x label', tL, 'y label', yL(8:13),...
  'figure title', 'Aircraft Lift, Drag and Controls' );

kL = [7 9 11 13];
PlotSet( t, xPlot(kL,:), 'x label', tL, 'y label', yL(kL),...
  'figure title', 'Engine' );

PlotSet( xPlot(4,:), xPlot(5,:), 'x label', yL{4}, 'y label', yL{5},...
  'figure title', 'Planar Trajectory' );

for j = 1:length(setPoint)
  s = sprintf('  %d: %4.0f min',j,setPoint(j).tT);
grid on
axis image
XLabelS('x (km)')
YLabelS('y (km)')
ZLabelS('z (km)')

if( printFig )
  for k = 1:6 %#ok<UNRCH>

Print out a table of the mission

k = 1;
fP = {};
fP{k,1} = 'Duration';                 fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f min',t(end)); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Velocity cruise';          fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f m/s',vCruise); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Velocity climb';           fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f m/s',vClimb); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Altitude cruise';          fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f m',hCruise); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Bank angle';               fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f deg',phiTurn*rTD); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Climb flight path angle';  fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f deg',gammaClimb*rTD); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Test Duration';            fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f s',tTest); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Test Mach';                fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f',machTest); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Mass Fuel';                fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f kg',massFuel); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Fuel Consumed';            fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f kg',massFuel-x(7)); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'Dry Mass';                 fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.2f kg',d.m); k = k + 1;
fP{k,1} = 'SFC';                      fP{k,2} = sprintf('%12.3f kg/kN/s',fSp*1e3); k = k + 1;



               Duration            99.00 min 
        Velocity cruise           200.00 m/s 
         Velocity climb           100.00 m/s 
        Altitude cruise           10000.00 m 
             Bank angle            11.25 deg 
Climb flight path angle            11.25 deg 
          Test Duration              30.00 s 
              Test Mach                 3.00 
              Mass Fuel          10000.00 kg 
          Fuel Consumed             23.46 kg 
               Dry Mass          19368.00 kg 
                    SFC        0.016 kg/kN/s