Demonstrates NOAA Wind Model for obtaining wind data and plotting it.

See also NOAAWindData, MergeNOAAWindData, PlotWindField


%   Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   2019.1 CityLatLonParser option removed.

load city lat/lon data

% from the web or a mat-file:
fprintf(1,'Load city lat/lon data...\n')
latLonData = load('CityLatLonData.mat');
Load city lat/lon data...

load current NOAA wind data from the web

% low altitudes
fprintf(1,'Load low-altitude wind data for Chicago region from NOAA website...\n')
dataLo = NOAAWindData( 'chicago', 'low', latLonData );

% high altitudes
fprintf(1,'Load high-altitude wind data for Chicago region from NOAA website...\n')
dataHi = NOAAWindData( 'chicago', 'high', latLonData );

% merge low and high data sets
fprintf(1,'Merge low and high altitude wind data into single structure...\n')
data = MergeNOAAWindData( dataLo, dataHi );
Load low-altitude wind data for Chicago region from NOAA website...
Load high-altitude wind data for Chicago region from NOAA website...
Merge low and high altitude wind data into single structure...

plot the wind field

fprintf(1,'Plot the 3D wind field.\n')
altRange = [0 20];
fig       = PlotWindField( data, altRange );

Plot the 3D wind field.