Compare linear and non-linear simulations of an airship.

See also EulNED, QECI, AC, ACInit, @acstate/acstate.m, AirshipLinMod,
AirshipStatespace, AirshipTrim, BuildAirshipModel, C2DZOH, Altitude,
QTForm, DeleteSuffix, Plot2D, Cross, Mag


%    Copyright 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%    All rights reserved.

Default parameters for demo

%  Name of airship model
name  = 'ASM3';

% Location of origin (from nose)      [m]
xo    = 0;

% Initial altitude                    [m]
h     = 21336;

% Initial flight path angle           [rad]
theta = 0*pi/180;

% Initial angle of attack             [rad]
alpha = 0*pi/180;

% Initial linear velocity magnitude   [m/s]
V     = 15;

% Simulation time                     [sec]
tSim  = 100;

% command data structure
cmd.actuator = {'dELVL','dELVR'};   % which actuator  ('throttle','mu','dELVL','dELVR','dRUDB','dRUDT')
cmd.type     = {'step','step'};     % type of input   ('step','impulse')
cmd.value    = [1 1]*pi/180;        % value of applied control
cmd.tControl = 5;                   % start and stop times of applied control

ensure proper formatting of "cmd" data structure

if( ~iscell(cmd.actuator) )
   cmd.actuator = {cmd.actuator};
if( ~iscell(cmd.type) )
   cmd.type = {cmd.type};

time step

dT   = 1;      % seconds;

time info

tSim = round(tSim/dT)*dT;
t    = 0:dT:tSim;
nSim = length(t);

load airship model data

disp('Building airship model...');
name = DeleteSuffix(name);
mdl  = BuildAirshipModel(name,xo);

% Linear Sim
Building airship model...

compute the linearized model

useAlpha = 0;
g = AirshipLinMod( mdl, h, theta, alpha, V, useAlpha );

get state space matrices

[a,b,c,d] = getabcd( g );


[a, b]  = C2DZOH( a, b, dT );

reorganize matrices (optional)

% lat = 3+[1 3 4 6 8];             % phi, psi, p, r, v
% lon = 3+[2 5 7 9];               % theta, q, u, w
% a   = a([lon,lat],[lon,lat]);
% b   = b([lon,lat],:);
% c   = c(:,[lon,lat]);
% % forcibly change c here if desired
% c(10,:) = 0; c(10,4)=-1;


nX = length(a);
nU = size(b,2);
nY = size(c,1);

set up control vector

u      = zeros(nU,nSim);
nC     = length(cmd.actuator);
acts   = {'throttle','mu','dELVL','dELVR','dRUDB','dRUDT'};
kStart = cmd.tControl/dT+1;
for i=1:nC
   kAct = StringMatch(cmd.actuator{i},acts);
   if( strcmp( cmd.type{i}, 'impulse' ) )
      u(kAct,kStart) = cmd.value(i);
   elseif( strcmp( cmd.type{i}, 'step' ) )
      u(kAct,kStart:end) = cmd.value(i);

discrete state-space propagation

disp('Running linear simulation...');
x    = zeros(nX,1);
yLin = zeros(nY,nSim);
xLin = zeros(nX,nSim);
for k = 1:nSim
   yLin(:,k) = c*x + d*u(:,k);
   x         = a*x + b*u(:,k);
   xLin(:,k) = x;

% now separate lat & lon
[gLat,gLon] = AirshipStatespace(g);
[a,b,c,d] = getabcd(gLat);
latStates = [1 2 4]; % p, r, beta
a = a(latStates,latStates);
b = b(latStates,:);
c = c(latStates,latStates);
d = d(latStates,:);
[a,b] = C2DZOH( a, b, dT );
x1    = zeros(3,1);
yLin1 = zeros(3,nSim);
xLin1 = zeros(3,nSim);
for k = 1:nSim
   rudk       = .5*(u(5,k)+u(6,k));
   ailk       = u(3,k)-u(4,k)+u(5,k)-u(6,k);
   yLin1(:,k) = c*x1 + d*[rudk;ailk];
   x1         = a*x1 + b*[rudk;ailk];
   xLin1(:,k) = x1;
[a,b,c,d] = getabcd(gLon);
[a,b] = C2DZOH( a, b, dT );
lonStates = [1 2 3];
a = a(lonStates,lonStates);
b = b(lonStates,:);
c = c(lonStates,lonStates);
d = d(lonStates,:);
x2    = zeros(3,1);
yLin2 = zeros(3,nSim);
xLin2 = zeros(3,nSim);
for k = 1:nSim
   elvk       = .5*(u(3,k)+u(4,k));
   yLin2(:,k) = c*x2 + d*[u(1:2,k);elvk];
   x2         = a*x2 + b*[u(1:2,k);elvk];
   xLin2(:,k) = x2;

Running linear simulation...

Non-Linear Sim


Re  = 6378.14*1e3;

initial state

r0  = [Re+h;0;0];
v0  = V*[cos(alpha); 0; sin(alpha)];
q0  = QECI( r0, [0; theta+alpha; 0] );
w0  = zeros(3,1);
xNL = acstate( r0, q0, w0, v0, [], mdl.mass, mdl.inertia, mdl.cG, [], [], [], [], [] );
mdl = ACInit( xNL, mdl );

trim condition

[T,trimMu,trimDELV]  = AirshipTrim( mdl, h, theta, alpha, V );
trimThrottle         = T/(2*mdl.engine.thrustMax);

r = zeros(3,nSim);
v = zeros(3,nSim);
q = zeros(4,nSim);
w = zeros(3,nSim);
e = zeros(3,nSim);

z = zeros(3,1);

disp('Running non-linear simulation...');
for k = 1:nSim

   % Store for Plotting
   r(:,k) = get(xNL,'r');
   v(:,k) = get(xNL,'v');
   q(:,k) = get(xNL,'q');
   w(:,k) = get(xNL,'w');
   e(:,k) = EulNED( r(:,k), q(:,k), z );

   % controls
   mdl.control.throttle = u(1,k) + trimThrottle;       = u(2,k) + trimMu;
   mdl.control.dELVL    = u(3,k) + trimDELV;
   mdl.control.dELVR    = u(4,k) + trimDELV;
   mdl.control.dRUDB    = u(5,k);
   mdl.control.dRUDT    = u(6,k);

   % The simulation
   xNL  = AC( xNL, t(k), dT, mdl  );

Running non-linear simulation...

compute the position and velocity of the CG

rCG = r + QTForm(q,mdl.cG);
vCG = v + Cross(w,mdl.cG);

compute the angle of attack and sidelsip

alpha = atan( -vCG(3,:)./vCG(1,:) );
beta  = asin( vCG(2,:)./Mag(vCG) );

compute the altitude

h = Altitude(rCG,'si');


y = [w; v; alpha; beta; e(1,:); h];

add initial values to yLin

%yLin = yLin + y(:,ones(1,nSim));
y = y - y(:,ones(1,nSim));

Create the plots

tLab  = 'Time [sec]';
uLab  = {'throttle';'mu';'dELVL';'dELVR';'dRUDB';'dRUDT'};
p     = [y(1,:);  yLin(1,:); yLin1(1,:)]*180/pi;
q     = [y(2,:);  yLin(2,:); yLin2(1,:)]*180/pi;
r     = [y(3,:);  yLin(3,:); yLin1(2,:)]*180/pi;
vx    = [y(4,:);  yLin(4,:); yLin2(2,:)];
vy    = [y(5,:);  yLin(5,:); yLin1(3,:)];
vz    = [y(6,:);  yLin(6,:); yLin2(3,:)];
alpha = [y(7,:);  yLin(7,:);           ]*180/pi;
beta  = [y(8,:);  yLin(8,:);           ]*180/pi;
phi   = [y(9,:);  yLin(9,:);           ]*180/pi;
alt   = [y(10,:); yLin(10,:)           ];

u(2:6,:) = u(2:6,:)*180/pi;   % rad to deg

Plot2D( t, u(1:6,:), tLab, uLab,                 'Control Inputs'  )
Plot2D( t, p,        tLab, 'Roll Rate [deg/s]',  'Roll Rate'       ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear','3 State Linear');
Plot2D( t, q,        tLab, 'Pitch Rate [deg/s]', 'Pitch Rate'      ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear','3 State Linear');
Plot2D( t, r,        tLab, 'Yaw Rate [deg/s]',   'Yaw Rate'        ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear','3 State Linear');
Plot2D( t, vx,       tLab, 'x-Velocity [m/s]',   'x-Velocity'      ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear','3 State Linear');
Plot2D( t, vy,       tLab, 'y-Velocity [m/s]',   'y-Velocity'      ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear','3 State Linear');
Plot2D( t, vz,       tLab, 'z-Velocity [m/s]',   'z-Velocity'      ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear','3 State Linear');
Plot2D( t, alpha,    tLab, 'Alpha [deg]',        'Angle of attack' ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear');
Plot2D( t, beta,     tLab, 'Beta [deg]',         'Sideslip'        ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear');
Plot2D( t, phi,      tLab, 'Phi [deg]',          'Roll'            ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear');
Plot2D( t, alt,      tLab, 'Altitude [m]',       'Altitude'        ), legend('Full Non-Linear','Full Linear');

fs  = 'fontsize';
rot = 'rotation';
lw  = 'linewidth';
ha  = 'horizontalalignment';
rt  = 'right';
NewFig('Airship Summary'),
subplot(221), plot(t,q,lw,2),     grid on, set(gca,fs,14), ylabel('q\newline[deg/s]',   rot,0,fs,14,ha,rt);
subplot(222), plot(t,vz,lw,2),    grid on, set(gca,fs,14), ylabel('w\newline[m/s]',     rot,0,fs,14,ha,rt);
subplot(223), plot(t,alpha,lw,2), grid on, set(gca,fs,14), ylabel('\alpha\newline[deg]',rot,0,fs,14,ha,rt); xlabel('Time [sec]',fs,14);
subplot(224), plot(t,alt,lw,2),   grid on, set(gca,fs,14), ylabel('h\newline[m]',       rot,0,fs,14,ha,rt); xlabel('Time [sec]',fs,14);

NewFig('Airship Summary'),
subplot(311), plot(t,r,lw,2),    grid on, set(gca,fs,14), ylabel('r\newline[deg/s]',   rot,0,fs,14,ha,rt);
subplot(312), plot(t,vy,lw,2),   grid on, set(gca,fs,14), ylabel('v\newline[m/s]',     rot,0,fs,14,ha,rt);
subplot(313), plot(t,beta,lw,2), grid on, set(gca,fs,14), ylabel('\beta\newline[deg]', rot,0,fs,14,ha,rt); xlabel('Time [sec]',fs,14);
