Demonstrate the AirshipAero function.

Computes force and torque at a specified flight condition.
Computes them for a range of coordinate system locations, moving from
the nose to tail along body X axis.
See also QECI, @acstate/acstate.m, BuildAirshipModel, ASM1,
AirshipAero, StdAtm, Plot2D


%    Copyright 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%    All rights reserved.

Demo parameters

% Initial angle of attack             [rad]
alpha = 5*pi/180;

% Initial sideslip angle              [rad]
beta  = 0;

% Initial linear velocity magnitude   [m/s]
V     = 15;

% Initial angular velocity vector     [rad/s]
w0    = [0;0;0];

% Initial altitude                    [m]
alt   = 21333;

% Elevator deflection, positive down  [rad]
elv   = [0;0];

% Rudder deflection, positive right   [rad]
rud   = [0;0];

Global for the time GUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Airship data

d    = BuildAirshipModel('ASM1');

array of origin locations

n     = 20;
param = ASM1;
xOrig = 0:param.L/(n-1):param.L;


control.throttle  =  0;        =  0;
control.dELVL     =  elv(1);
control.dELVR     =  elv(2);
control.dRUDB     =  rud(1);
control.dRUDT     =  rud(2);

initial position

Re        = 6378.14*1e3;                     % equatorial radius of the earth
r0        = [;0;0];     % initial ECI coordinates of airship

initial velocity

ta        = tan(alpha);
vx        = V*cos(beta)/sqrt(1+ta^2);
vy        = V*sin(beta);
vz        = vx*ta;
v0        = [vx;vy;vz];

initial orientation

eulInit   = [0;0;0];                % initial orientation (aligned x-north, y-east, z-down)
q         = QECI( r0, eulInit );    % initial ECI to body quaternion (same for both cases

wR        = ones(length(d.rotor),1)*5;
engine    = [];
actuator  = [];
sensor    = [];
flex      = [];
disturb   = [];

atmospheric density at altitude

atmData     = load('AtmData.txt');
atmAlt      = StdAtm(alt,atmData,'si');
rho         = atmAlt.density;

dynamic pressure

qBar = 0.5*rho*V^2;

Initialize state

x = acstate( r0, q, w0, v0, wR, d.mass, d.inertia, d.cG, engine, actuator, sensor, flex, disturb );

f = zeros(3,n);
t = zeros(3,n);

bForce  =*'*r0);
%gForce  = [0;0;d.mass*'*r0)];

disp('Computing forces and torques...');

for k = 1:n

   % Rebuild aerodynamic model at kth origin location
   d = BuildAirshipModel('ASM1',xOrig(k));

   % Compute aerodynamic force and torque
   g = AirshipAero( alpha, beta, x,, qBar, control, flex, rho );

   % Store for Plotting
   f(:,k) = g.force;
   t(:,k) = g.torque; % + Cross(d.cG,gForce);


f = f(:,1:k);
t = t(:,1:k);
x = xOrig;

Plot2D( xOrig, f, 'x-location of origin [m]', 'F_A [N]', 'Aerodynamic Force' )
Plot2D( xOrig, t, 'x-location of origin [m]', 'T_A [N]', 'Aerodynamic Torque' )

Computing forces and torques...