Fly an Airship.

See also QECI, AC, ACInit, ACPlot, HUD, HUDCntrl, @acstate/acstate.m,
LatLon, AirshipTrim, BuildAirshipModel, CoordinateTransform, TimeGUI,
Cross, JD2000


%  Copyright 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%  All rights reserved.

Global for the time GUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Global for the HUD

global hUDOutput
hUDOutput = struct('pushbutton1',0,'pushbutton2',0,'checkbox1',0,...

Airship database

d = BuildAirshipModel('ASM3');

Flight Condition

h     = 21000;       % altitude          [m]
theta = 10*pi/180;    % flight path angle [rad]
alpha = 0;           % angle of attack   [rad]
V     = 15;          % velocity          [m/s]

Trim Controls

[Thrust,mu,dElv]   = AirshipTrim( d, h, theta, alpha, V );
d.control.throttle = Thrust/(2*d.engine.thrustMax);       = mu;
d.control.dELVL    = dElv;
d.control.dELVR    = dElv;
d.control.dRUDB    = 0;
d.control.dRUDT    = 0;

initial position

jD        = JD2000;
[lat,lon] = LatLon('new york city');
latLonAlt = [lat*pi/180;lon*pi/180;h*1e-3];
rCG       = CoordinateTransform( 'llr', 'eci', latLonAlt, jD );
rCG       = rCG*1e3;

initial angular velocity

w0        = zeros(3,1);

initial velocity

vCG       = V*[cos(alpha);0;sin(alpha)];  % initial body-frame velocity of airship CG
v0        = vCG - Cross(w0,d.cG);

initial orientation

eulInit   = [0;0;0];                % initial orientation (aligned x-north, y-east, z-down)
q0        = QECI( rCG, eulInit );   % initial ECI to body quaternion

adjust r0 to account for non-CG location of origin

r0        = rCG - d.cG;

not used

wR        = [];
engine    = [];
actuator  = [];
sensor    = [];
flex      = [];
disturb   = [];

time info

T    = 300;
t    = 0;
dT   = 0.5;
nSim = T/dT+1;

Initialize the state and model

x  = acstate( r0, q0, w0, v0, wR, d.mass, d.inertia, d.cG, engine, actuator, sensor, flex, disturb );
d  = ACInit( x, d );

Set up the HUD

dHUD.atmData     = d.atmData ;
dHUD.atmUnits    = 'si';

cHUD.control.rudder   = 0;
cHUD.control.aileron  = 0;
cHUD.control.elevator = d.control.dELVL*180/pi;
cHUD.control.throttle = d.control.throttle;
cHUD.elevatorMax = 60;
cHUD.aileronMax  = 60;
cHUD.rudderMax   = 60;
cHUD.dT          = dT;
hHUD = HUD( 'init', dHUD, x, [], cHUD );

% Set up the aircraft display
%gHAA = load( 'gHAA' )
%hHAA = DrawAC( 'init', gHAA, x, [], d.atmUnits  );

Initialize the plots

plots = [ 'Euler angles       ';...
'Quaternion         ';...
'Quaternion NED To B';...
'Angular rate       ';...
'Position ECI       ';...
'Velocity           ';...
'Alpha              ';...
'Rudder             ';...
'Throttle           ';...
'Aileron            ';...
'Elevator           '];

dPlot = ACPlot( x, 'init', plots, d, nSim/2, dT, nSim );

Initialize the time display

tToGoMem.lastJD        = 0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone = 0;
tToGoMem.kAve          = 0;
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, dT, 'Airship Simulation' );

for k = 2:nSim

   % Display the status message
   [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );

   % HUD information
   hHUD = HUD( 'run', dHUD, x, hHUD, cHUD );

   % Controls
   d.control.dELVL    = (hHUD.control.elevator+.5*hHUD.control.aileron)*pi/180;
   d.control.dELVR    = (hHUD.control.elevator-.5*hHUD.control.aileron)*pi/180;
   d.control.dRUDB    = (hHUD.control.rudder  +.5*hHUD.control.aileron)*pi/180;
   d.control.dRUDT    = (hHUD.control.rudder  -.5*hHUD.control.aileron)*pi/180;
   d.control.throttle = hHUD.control.throttle;

   % Plotting
   dPlot = ACPlot( x, 'store', dPlot, hHUD.control );

   % 3D Display
   %hHAA = DrawAC( 'run', gHAA, x, hHAA, d.atmUnits );

   % The simulation
   x     = AC( x, t, dT, d );
   t     = t + dT;

   % Time control
   switch simulationAction
   case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
   case 'stop'
   case 'plot'



Create the plots

ACPlot( x, 'plot', dPlot );
