Shows the difference between a PWM and a ZOH.
This is typically used for design in the continuous domain. These functions produce state-space systems for a pulsewidth modulator or a zero order hold. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See also FResp, PWM, ZOH, Plot2D ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (c) 2000 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. % All rights reserved. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compute the state space systems
tSamp = 1;
tPW = 0.02; % Generally use the minimum pulsewidth
[aZ, bZ, cZ, dZ] = ZOH( tSamp );
[aP ,bP, cP, dP] = PWM( tPW, tSamp );
Get the frequency responses
w = logspace(-1,3); [mZ, pZ] = FResp( aZ, bZ, cZ, dZ, 1,1, w ); [mP, pP] = FResp( aP, bP, cP, dP, 1,1, w );
mZ = 20*log10(mZ); mP = 20*log10(mP); yL = {'Magnitude (db)';'Angle (deg)'}; % We add legends to each plot Plot2D( w, [mZ;mP;pZ;pP], 'Frequency (rad/sec)', yL,... 'ZOH vs PWM', ['xlog';'xlog'], ['1:2';'3:4'],[],[],[],[],... {{'ZOH' 'PWM'},{'ZOH' 'PWM'}}); %-------------------------------------- % $Date$ % $Id: 382c78f80fd9caf7ba9c28ae40275ee4784243ea $