Simple controller.

Controls a double integrator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also @statespace/statespace.m, FResp, RootLocus, Series, Plot2D -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%   Copyright (c) 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

The plant model-a single axis spacecraft with an inertia of 1

a  = 0;
b  = 1;
c  = 1;
d  = 0;

The frequency range for plotting

w  = logspace(-2,3,200);

aC = 0;
bC = 0;
cC = 0;

Initialize m and p

m = [];
p = [];

gain = [1 10 100];
for k = 1:3
  [aS, bS, cS, dS] = Series( a, b, c, d, aC, bC, cC, gain(k) );
  [m(k,:), p(k,:)] = FResp( aS, bS, cS, dS, 1, 1, w);

m  = 20*log10(m);

yL = {'Mag   (dB) ' 'Phase (deg)'};

Plot2D( w, [m;p], 'Frequency (rad/s)', yL, 'Bode Plot', 'xlog', ['1:3';'4:6'] );
legend('k = 1','k = 10','k = 100')

Plot2D( p, m, yL{2}, yL{1}, 'Nichols Plot' );
legend('k = 1','k = 10','k = 100')

g = statespace(a,b,c,d);
RootLocus( g, logspace(0,2) )

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% $Id: 476336b785ac6306a2657ee8f92efd5b9c44b0b6 $