Demonstrate fixed interval smoothing using a Kalman Filter

Since version 1.
Reference: Brown, R.G., P.Y.C. Hwang, Introduction to Random Signals
           and Applied Kalman Filtering, Second Edition, p.238.
See also KSmooth


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Gauss Markov Process

dT    = 0.02;
r     = 0.25;           % Measurement error covariance
h     = 1;              % Input matrix
phi   = exp(-dT);       % State transition matrix
q     = 1 - exp(-2*dT); % Plant noise covariance
nSamp = 51;

The process

u    = randn(1,nSamp);
y    = zeros(1,nSamp);
b    = sqrt(2)*(1 - phi);
y(1) = u(1);
for k = 2:nSamp
  y(k) = phi*y(k-1) + b*u(k);

z = y + 0.5*randn(1,nSamp);

Make a higher order system


KSmooth( r, phi, q, h, z, 1 )

z   = [z;z];
phi = phi*eye(2);
q   =   q*eye(2);
h   =   h*eye(2);
r   =   r*eye(2);

KSmooth( r, phi, q, h, z, eye(2) )

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