Demo of Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing for an Unscented Kalman Filter.

This is for a non-augmented, i.e. additive Gaussian noise form. First we run the simulation and UKF for some time, gathering measurements and estimates, then we call the smoother.


Simulation parameters

n               = 40;
dT              = 1;

sigmaT          = 2;
sigmaTheta      = 0.1;

% Data for RHSX
d               = struct;
d.m             = 1;
d.t0            = 11;
d.g             = 9.806;
d.b             = 1000;

Estimation parameters

dRHS            = d;
dRHS.tNoise     = 0;
dRHS.noise   	  = 0;
u               = KFInitialize( 'ukf' );
u.f             = @RHSX;
u.alpha         = 1;
u.kappa         = 0; % Should be number of states - 2
u.beta          = 2;
u.dT            = dT;
u.fData         = dRHS;
u.q             = diag([0 sigmaT^2]); % Plant noise covariance
u.p             = diag([0.1 0.01]);
x               = [0;0];
u.m             = x;

m               = zeros(2,n);
p               = zeros(2,2,n);

% Get the UKF weights
u               = UKFWeight( u );


t   = 0;
u.p = diag([0.1 0.01]);
xP  = zeros(2,n);
for k = 1:n

  % Measurement
  d.noise     = sigmaTheta*randn;
  d.tNoise	  = sigmaT*randn;
  x           = RK4( 'RHSX', x, dT, 0, d );
  xP(:,k)     = x;

  % UKF
  u.t             = t;        = AngleSensor(x,d);
  u.y.param.hFun  = @AngleSensor;
  u.y.param.hData = dRHS;
  u.y.param.r     = sigmaTheta^2; % Measurement noise covariance
  u               = UKFPredict( u );
  u               = UKFUpdate( u );
  m(:,k)          = u.m;
  p(:,:,k)        = u.p;

  t               = t + dT;

% Smooth the data
u = UKFRTSS( m, p, u );

[t, tL] = TimeLabl((0:n-1)*dT);
Plot2D(t,[xP;m;u.mS],tL,{'x' 'v'},'UKF Smoother','lin',{'[1 3 5]' '[2 4 6]'});
legend('True', 'Estimated', 'Smoothed')

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