Demonstrate the playback of multiple orbits and moving sensor cones.

See also PackageOrbitDataForPlayback and PlaybackOrbitSim, Date2JD,
OrbRate, Period, RVFromKepler


%   Copyright (c) 2009 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 8.

Define epoch and simulate orbit

jD0         = Date2JD;
sma         = 6800;
el          = [sma, pi/4, 0, 0, 0, 0];
T           = Period(sma);
n           = OrbRate(sma);
time        = 0:20:T*2;
[r1,v1]     = RVFromKepler(el,time);

Define sensor attributes

coneFOV     = pi/4;
conePitch   = pi/4*abs(cos(n*time));
coneAzimuth	= 0;
inputFrame  = 'ECI';

Package orbit data for satellite 1

object(1)   = PackageOrbitDataForPlayback( jD0, time, r1, v1,...
                             coneFOV, conePitch, coneAzimuth, inputFrame );

simulate second orbit

el          = [sma, pi/4 + .08, 0, .08, 0, .05];
[r2,v2]     = RVFromKepler(el,time);

Package orbit data for satellite 2

object(2)   = PackageOrbitDataForPlayback( jD0, time, r2, v2,...
                           coneFOV*0.2, conePitch, coneAzimuth, inputFrame );

Load data into AnimationGUI using PlaybackOrbitSim

planet = 'EarthMR';
style  = '3D';
PlaybackOrbitSim( time, object, planet, style )
