Animate a nanosat near the ISS

It creates and saves a movie.

See also: AnimateSpacecraft, SaveMovie, ISSOrbit, CoplanarOrbit,
%   Copyright (c) 2020 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. x
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since 2020.2

% Load models
g1 = load('Nanosat');
g2 = load('ISS');

% Start with the ISS orbit
el1 = ISSOrbit;

% The nanosat is 50 m below the ISS
el2 = CoplanarOrbit(el1,-0.05);

% Generate the trajectories
t       = linspace(0,Period(el1(1)),50);
[r1,v1] = RVOrbGen(el1,t);
[r2,v2] = RVOrbGen(el2,t);

% Both are aligned with local vertical local horizontal
q1 = QLVLH(r1,v1);
q2 = QLVLH(r2,v2);

% Animate the ISS and nano satellite
AnimateSpacecraft( 'initialize', g1, g2, r1(:,1), v1(:,1), q1(:,1), r2(:,1), v2(:,1), q2(:,1) );
m = AnimateSpacecraft( 'update', t, r1, v1, q1, r2, v2, q2 );

% Save the movie
