Radiation pressure disturbance demo.

Compute the radiation pressure force and torque for a complete orbit in LEO, assuming an offset from LVLH pointing. The disturbances are calculated both with and without the planetary components (albedo and radiation).

Things to try:

1. Change the optical coefficients
2. Different center of mass
3. Higher or lower orbital altitude.
See also CubeSatRadiationPressure, Eclipse
%   Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 2014.1
%   2016.0.1 - Initialize p from CubeSatEnvironment to have correct fields
%   including q

d = CubeSatRadiationPressure;

% Provide an attitude offset from LVLH
d.att.type        = 'lvlh';
d.att.qLVLHToBody = AU2Q( 0.1, -[1;1;1] );

% Specify some absorption and some reflection. The coefficients are
% expressed as [absorbed;specular;diffuse] with one column per face.
d.sigma = [0.2*ones(1,6);0.8*ones(1,6);zeros(1,6)];

% Specify a CM offset so we get a torque as well
d.cM = [0.01;0.01;0.01];

% Generate a complete orbit
[r,v,t]         = RVFromKepler([7000 0 0 0 0 0]);
p               = struct;
[p.uSun, rSun]  = SunV1(Date2JD([2010 5 5 0 0 0]));

% compute a second time with planetary disturbances off
d2 = d;
d2.planet = 0;

force   = zeros(3,100);
torque  = zeros(3,100);
force2  = force;
torque2 = torque;

% Use a constant environment except eclipses
p = CubeSatEnvironment;
for k = 1:100
  p.v        = v(:,k);
  p.r        = r(:,k);
  p.n        = Eclipse( p.r, p.uSun*rSun);
  [force(:,k),torque(:,k)] = CubeSatRadiationPressure( p, d );
  [force2(:,k),torque2(:,k)] = CubeSatRadiationPressure( p, d2 );

pO = Period(7000);
Plot2D( t/pO, [force;force2]*1e6, 'Orbit', {'F_x (\mu N)' 'F_y(\mu N)' 'F_z(\mu N)'},...
  'Cubesat Radiation Pressure Force','lin',{[1 4],[2 5],[3 6]});
Plot2D( t/pO, [torque;torque2]*1e6, 'Orbit', {'T_x (\mu Nm)' 'T_y(\mu Nm)' 'T_z(\mu Nm)'},...
  'Cubesat Radiation Pressure Torque','lin',{[1 4],[2 5],[3 6]});
