Extension of AssignmentDemo to include collision monitoring.

Since version 7.
See also AC, Plot2D, Plot3D, CollisionSurvey, Plot3DEllipsoids,
VerifyCollStruct, ImpulsiveManeuver, RotateState, State_Structure,
Window_Structure, FFEccDiscreteHills, SetupAssignmentProblem,
DeltaElem2Hills, ManeuverStruct2AccelVector, Alfriend2El, OrbRate


%  Copyright 2005 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

dGoals = load('AssignmentResults');

% rename variables for clarity
IDs       = dGoals.relIDs;
optOrder  = dGoals.order1;
optPhi    = dGoals.phi1;
window    = dGoals.window;
teamGoals = dGoals.teamGoals;
dEl       = dGoals.dEl;

% Initialize data structures
mass                  = 170;              % Spacecraft mass                                      [kg]     (slow changing... can be updated if mass is measured)
fNom                  = 1.0*1e-3;         % Nominal thrust capability                            [kN]     (a thruster constraint)
dTMax                 = 300;              % longest allowable burn duration                      [sec]
dVMax                 = fNom/mass*dTMax;  % largest achievable delta-v in a single burn          [km/s]


parameters            = [];
parameters.fNom       = fNom;        % Nominal thrust capability                                 [kN]     (a thruster constraint)
parameters.dTMin      = 0.0;         % Minimum achievable burn duration                          [sec]    (a thruster constraint)
parameters.maxDeltaV  = dVMax;       % Maximum allowable delta-v for a single thruster firing    [km/s]   (a thruster constraint)
parameters.horizon    = 300;         % Minimum time required between planning and first burn     [sec]    (based on est. time to complete 180 deg slew)
parameters.eTol       = 1e-4;        % Eccentricity tolerance. Circular orbit algorithms used if below this level.
parameters.nSPOCoarse = 300;         % Number of samples per orbit for LP, coarse planning
parameters.nSPOFine   = 6000;        % Number of samples per orbit for LP, fine planning

state     = State_Structure;
state.elA = dGoals.el0;
state.el  = Alfriend2El(state.elA);
state.tM  = 0;
state.mass = mass;

window            = Window_Structure;
window.nManeuvers = 3;
window.timeWeightExp = 0.5;

% Collision survey data
dColl            = [];
dColl.hRef       = dGoals.el0(1)-6378;	  % km - altitude of the reference orbit
dColl.eRef       = 0;       % eccentricity
dColl.dR         = 0.2;     % km - reference length of Hill's orbit
dColl.initBounds = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005]/1000; % error in measurement (0.1m and 0.5mm/s)
dColl.scalev     = 1;           % sigma for measurement noise
dColl.mSC   = 100;		   % kg - spacecraft mass
dColl.lenSC = 7.0;		   % m - spacecraft length
dColl.diaSC = 1.0;		   % m - spacecraft diameter
dColl.Cd    = 2;			   % drag coefficient
dColl.Cr    = 1.5;		   % reflectivity of s/c: 0.0 for translucent; 1.0 for black-body; 2.0 for flat mirror
dColl.el0   = state.el;
dColl.rate  = OrbRate(state.el(1));
dColl       = VerifyCollStruct(dColl);


map goals to satellites

goals = [];
scID  = [];

[N,M,P,Pu,Q,phi,u] = SetupAssignmentProblem( teamGoals );

assign the target states

for j=1:N
   % first compute the index of the corresponding unique variable state
   if( j <= M )             % fixed state
      index = j;
   else                       % variable state
      index = M + u(j-M);

   % extract the desired geometry
   geomGoals = teamGoals.geometry(index);

   % rotate if it is a variable state (only possible in circular orbits)
   if( j > M )
      geomGoals = RotateState( geomGoals, optPhi(j) );
   if( isempty(goals) )
      goals = geomGoals;
      goals(end+1) = geomGoals;

   % find the spacecraft ID assigned to this target state
   scID(end+1) = IDs(optOrder(j));

xH = zeros(6,8);
for k = 1:8
  xH(:,k) = DeltaElem2Hills(state.elA,dGoals.dEl(k,:));
  state.xH = xH(:,k);
  mvr(k) = ImpulsiveManeuver(state,goals(k),window,parameters);

% Determine probability of collision for relative trajectories
[probC, dMin, xhat, Shat, tProp] = CollisionSurvey( dColl, 0, xH(:,2:8)-repmat(xH(:,1),1,7), mvr(1), [mvr(2:end)] );

% Determine trajectory of first spacecraft
% Note: need same time vector as generated in CollisionSurvey.
[aC,t] = ManeuverStruct2AccelVector( mvr(1), tProp );
[xS1,nu] = FFEccDiscreteHills( dColl.eRef, dColl.rate, xH(:,1), dEl(1,2), aC, t );

Plot3D(xS1(1:3,:),'X - zenith','Y - along-track','Z - cross-track','Hills Trajectories'); hold on;
colors = {'r','g','c','y','m','k','b'};
for k = 1:7
  xHsc = xhat{k}(1:3,:)+xS1(1:3,:);
axis tight
axis equal

Plot2D(tProp/3600,cell2mat(dMin)','Time (hr)','Minimum Distance (km)','Collision Proximity Metric')

nPts = size(xhat{1},2);
el1 = zeros(3,nPts);
for k = 1:nPts
  S1 = Shat{1}(1:3,1:3,k);
  [u,s,v]  = svd(S1);
  el1(:,k) = sqrt(diag(s));

Plot2D(tProp/3600,[el1],'Time (hr)',{'Target'},'Ellipsoid Semimajor Axes, km')

% PSS internal file version information
Elapsed time is 0.459538 seconds.
  Name      Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

  mvr       1x8             34368  struct