Compares the relative motion predicted by propagation of the discrete state-space system with the motion predicted by Hills equations.

Since version 7.
See also AC, Plot2D, Mag, DiscreteHills, HillsEqns
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dT         = 20;
t          = 0:dT:10000;
x0         = [1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0];
w0         = 0.001;
aC         = zeros(3,length(t)-1);
xDisc      = DiscreteHills( x0, w0, aC, dT );
xHE        = HillsEqns( x0, w0, t, 1 );
errorX     = xDisc - xHE;
Plot2D( t, xDisc, 'Time', 'DiscreteHills Output')
Plot2D( t, xHE,   'Time', 'HillsEqns Output')
Plot2D( t, Mag(errorX), 'Time', 'Error Magnitude')

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