Relative simulation with accelerations to produce an offset in leader-follower frame.

This demo uses DiscreteHills to simulate a phase-change maneuver in the relative frame. Equivalent maneuvers are applied one orbit period apart.

See also OrbMnvrPhaseChange, OrbRate, Period, DiscreteHills, Plot2D, HillsFramePlot, Plot3D


%	Copyright 2017 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 2017.1

Parameters and ideal solution

Mission Parameters

mass       = 12;
sma        = 6740;
thrust     = 0.1; % N

% Predicted phase-change delta-V
dSeparation = 20; % km
dTheta = dSeparation/sma;
dVPhase = OrbMnvrPhaseChange( 6740, dTheta, 1 )*1e3;
fprintf('1 rev delta-V: %g m/s\n',dVPhase);

% Compute an equivalent burn time for the selected thruster
tBurn = dVPhase/2*mass/thrust;
fprintf('Thrust: %g N\n',thrust);
fprintf('Burn time per maneuver: %g s\n',tBurn);
1 rev delta-V: 2.4201 m/s
Thrust: 0.1 N
Burn time per maneuver: 145.206 s

Simulate for two orbits

dT         = 20;
acc        = thrust/mass;
P          = Period(6740);
w0         = OrbRate(6740);
t          = 0:dT:2*P;
nBurn      = ceil(tBurn/dT);
nPts       = length(t);
f          = tBurn/(nBurn*dT);
x0         = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
aC         = zeros(3,length(t)-1);
tP         = floor(nPts/2);
for k = 1:nBurn
  aC(:,k) = [0;f*acc;0];
  aC(:,tP+k) = [0;-f*acc;0];
xDisc = DiscreteHills( x0, w0, aC, dT );

Plot the resulting trajectory

axis equal
Plot2D(t,xDisc(1:2,:),'Time',{'x - Radial','y - Along-Track'},'Time History')

ans = 
  Figure (2) with properties:

      Number: 2
        Name: ''
       Color: [0.94 0.94 0.94]
    Position: [0 338 560 420]
       Units: 'pixels'

  Use GET to show all properties