Explore Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO) for an ISS orbit

See also Constant, Plot2D, SS2O


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Earth Rotation

omega      = 2*pi/86400;
rEarth     = 6378.165;
mPayload   = 400;

ISS Orbit

r      = 330 + rEarth;
i      = 51*pi/180;
mu     = Constant('mu earth');

Compute the orbital velocity

v      = sqrt(mu/r);

Velocity gain from the Earth rotation

vEarth = cos(i)*omega*rEarth;

Losses due to gravity turn and drag;

vLoss  = 1.5;

Total delta-v

v      = v + vLoss - vEarth;

Solid rocket

iSp        = 285;

fStructure = linspace(0,0.0425);
n          = length(fStructure);
e          = zeros(1,n);

for k = 1:n
  [mF, mT, mS, e(k)] = SS2O( iSp, mPayload, fStructure(k), v );

Plot2D(fStructure,e,'Structural Fraction', 'Payload Fraction','SS2O SRM' );
