Link analysis for an earth orbiting spacecraft.

Includes noise analysis. Computes the link with and without rain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reference: Maral, G. and M. Bousquet. (1998.) Satellite Communications
           Systems, Third Edition. John Wiley.
See also DBSignal, AntennaGain, Beamwidth3dB, Gain3dB,
LossAtmosphericGas, LossDepointing, LossFreeSpace, LossPrecipitation,
TAntennaGround, TAttenuator, TReceiver, TSky


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2.5.8 and 2.5.9 Example 1 and 2 pp. 42-46.



% diameter of transmit antenna (m)
dT =  4;
% transmit frequency (GHz)
fD = 12;
% transmitted power (dBW)
pT = DBSignal(10);
% loss between the amplifier on the satellite and the antenna (dB)
lFTX = 1;
% Depointing angle (deg)
thetaT = 0.1;
% 3 dB Angle (deg)
theta3DB = 2;
% efficiency
effT = 0.55;
% distance for free space loss (km)
r = 40000;
% Elevation angle (deg)
E = 10;
%  link attenuation due to the atmosphere (dB)
lA = LossAtmosphericGas( fD, E );
% Illumination factor (deg)
fIllumination = 70;
% loss being at the 3dB edge of the beam contour (dB)
lEdge = 3;

EIRP Satellite - Effective Isotropic Radiated Power

gT            = Gain3dB( theta3DB, fIllumination, effT );
eIRPSL        = pT + gT - lEdge - lFTX;

Downlink attenuation

lFS           = LossFreeSpace( fD, r );
lD            = lA + lFS;

Ground station

f             = 1;
% loss between the feed and the antenna (dB)
lFRX          = 0.5;
% temperature of the feed
tF            = 290;
% diameter of the receiving antenna (m)
dR            = 4;
% receiver efficiency
effR          = 0.6;
% ambient temperature of the ground
tGround       = 45;

Downlink system noise temperature

tSky          = TSky( 12, 10 );
tA            = TAntennaGround( tSky, 0, tGround );
tERX          = TAttenuator( tF, f );
% downlink system noise temperature (K)
tD            = TReceiver( tA, lFRX, tF, tERX );
gR            = AntennaGain(struct('type','circular aperture','area',pi*dT^2/4,'eff',effR),fD);

Pointing loss

theta3DB      = Beamwidth3dB( dR, fD, fIllumination );
lP            = LossDepointing( thetaT, theta3DB );

gOverT        = gR - lP - lFRX - DBSignal(tD);
cOverN0       = eIRPSL - lD + gOverT - DBSignal(1.381e-23);

fprintf('\n\n2.5.8 Example 1 and 2.5.9 Example 2: Downlink\n-------------------------------------------\n')
fprintf('Gain Transmit Antenna             = %10.2f (dBW)\n',gT);
fprintf('Transmitter Loss                  = %10.2f (dB)\n',lFTX);
fprintf('Theta 3 dB                        = %10.2f (dB)\n',theta3DB);
fprintf('EIRP SL                           = %10.2f (dBW)\n',eIRPSL);
fprintf('Free Space Loss                   = %10.2f (dB)\n',lFS);
fprintf('Atmospheric Loss                  = %10.2f (dB)\n',lA);
fprintf('Downward Path Loss                = %10.2f (dB)\n',lD);
fprintf('Gain Receive Antenna              = %10.2f (dB)\n',gR);
fprintf('Receiver Loss                     = %10.2f (dB)\n',lFRX);
fprintf('Noise Temperature Receiver        = %10.2f (deg-K)\n',tERX);
fprintf('Pointing Loss                     = %10.2f (dB)\n',lP);

disp('---- Clear Sky ----')
fprintf('Noise Temperature Ground Antenna  = %10.2f (deg-K)\n',tA);
fprintf('Noise Temperature Downlink        = %10.2f (deg-K)\n',tD);
fprintf('(G/T)ES  Clear Sky                = %10.2f (dB)\n',gOverT);
fprintf('C/N0 Clear Sky                    = %10.2f (dB)\n',cOverN0);

2.5.8 Example 1 and 2.5.9 Example 2: Downlink
Gain Transmit Antenna             =      38.23 (dBW)
Transmitter Loss                  =       1.00 (dB)
Theta 3 dB                        =       0.44 (dB)
EIRP SL                           =      44.23 (dBW)
Free Space Loss                   =     206.07 (dB)
Atmospheric Loss                  =       0.29 (dB)
Downward Path Loss                =     206.36 (dB)
Gain Receive Antenna              =      51.81 (dB)
Receiver Loss                     =       0.50 (dB)
Noise Temperature Receiver        =      75.09 (deg-K)
Pointing Loss                     =       0.63 (dB)
---- Clear Sky ----
Noise Temperature Ground Antenna  =      65.02 (deg-K)
Noise Temperature Downlink        =     164.57 (deg-K)
(G/T)ES  Clear Sky                =      28.52 (dB)
C/N0 Clear Sky                    =      94.99 (dB)

With rain

disp('---- Rain ----')
lRain         = LossPrecipitation( fD, 'e', 0.01, 45, 0, 0, [40000;0;0], 0 );
tA            = TAntennaGround( tSky, lRain, tGround );
tD            = TReceiver( tA, lFRX, tF, tERX );
lD            = lA + lFS + lRain;

gOverT        = gR - lP - lFRX - DBSignal(tD);
cOverN0       = eIRPSL - lD + gOverT - DBSignal(1.381e-23);

fprintf('Rain Loss                         = %10.2f (dB)\n',lRain);
fprintf('Downward Path Loss                = %10.2f (dB)\n',lD);
fprintf('Noise Temperature Ground Antenna  = %10.2f (deg-K)\n',tA);
fprintf('Noise Temperature Downlink        = %10.2f (deg-K)\n',tD);
fprintf('(G/T)ES                           = %10.2f (dB)\n',gOverT);
fprintf('C/N0                              = %10.2f (dB)\n',cOverN0);

---- Rain ----
Rain Loss                         =       3.63 (dB)
Downward Path Loss                =     209.99 (dB)
Noise Temperature Ground Antenna  =     209.44 (deg-K)
Noise Temperature Downlink        =     293.29 (deg-K)
(G/T)ES                           =      26.01 (dB)
C/N0                              =      88.85 (dB)