Demonstrate A* for a close orbital maneuver.

See also AStarSearch, GenerateGrid, RaDec2U, Plot3D, TextS, Unit


%   Copyright (c) 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

Define the grid

n                     = 48;
r                     = 100;
stayout(2).u          = Unit([0;1.0;.6]);
stayout(2).angle      = pi/10;
stayout(2).rOffset    = [0;0;0];
stayout(1).u          = Unit([1;0;0]);
stayout(1).angle      = pi/10;
stayout(1).rOffset    = [0;0;0];

[rA, dec, a, kDec]    = GenerateGrid( n, r, stayout, 'globe' );

d.myData.dec          = dec;
d.myData.rA           = rA;
d.myData.a            = a;
d.myData.kDec         = kDec;
d.myData.n            = length(a);
d.myData.v            = [1;0;0];
d.n                   = length(a);

startNode             = 1; % The pole
endNode               = 1113;

We use the same function for path cost and maneuver cost

d.pathCostEstimateFunction = 'ManeuverCost';
d.traverseCostFunction     = 'ManeuverCost';
d.successorNodesFunction   = 'ManeuverSuccessorNodes';

path = AStarSearch( startNode, endNode, d );
GenerateGrid( n, r, stayout, 'globe' );

if( ~isempty(path) )
  hold on
% path = [	1	2	9	18	29	42	57	74	93	136	160	186	214	244	276
%   311	348	387	428	471	516	563	612	660	706	750	792	832	833	904	905	939
%   969	999	1025	1051	1073	1095	1113	];
  rA  = d.myData.rA(path);
  dec = d.myData.dec(path);
  TextS(rA(1),dec(1),'  start');
  TextS(rA(end),dec(end),'  end' );
  uPath = RaDec2U( rA*pi/180,dec*pi/180 );
  Plot3D( uPath,'x','y','z','A* Path',0.98 );

% PSS internal file version information

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         906         939         970         999        1026        1051

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        1074        1095        1113