Demonstrate an orbit detection filter for a spacecraft with one thruster.
This filter will detect measurement failures and actuator failures. A single thruster is assumed and it is assumed that each measurement of x, y, z and velocity is independent.
Since version 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also @statespace/statespace.m, C2DZOH, CToD, Plot2D, TimeLabl, Unit, DetectionFilterBuild, DetectionFilterUnnormalized, LinOrb, Period -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (c) 2002 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. % All rights reserved. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( exist('LinOrb') ) [a,b,c,d] = LinOrb( [], 1 ); else a = [ zeros(3), eye(3); diag([3 0 -1]), [0 2 0;-2 0 0;0 0 0] ]; end if( exist('Period') ) rNom = 7000; p = Period(rNom); else p = 5828.51668009113; % sec end nOrbits = 20; uFraction = 1; % scales the input dT = 100; wo = 2*pi/p; dT = wo*dT; c = eye(6); d = zeros(6,1); bV = Unit([1;1;0]); b = [0;0;0;bV]; % Only one thruster pointing in an arbitrary, % Hill's equation fixed, direction. nSim = floor(nOrbits*p*wo/dT); % 4 years xPlot = zeros(12,nSim); rPlot = zeros(6,nSim); x = zeros(6,1); thrust = 0.001; % N mass = 100; % kg aMax = thrust*0.001/mass; % km/sec^2 uMax = aMax/wo^2; % km
Set up the state space model
%----------------------------- states = {'x' 'y' 'z' 'vX' 'vY' 'vZ'}; inputs = {'u'}; outputs = states; g = statespace( a, b, c, d, 'Linear Orbit', states, inputs, outputs ); lambda = -0.25; d = DetectionFilterBuild( g, lambda );
Set up the detection filter
[aX, d.d] = C2DZOH( a, d.d, dT );
Convert plant to discrete time
%------------------------------- [a, b] = C2DZOH( a, b, dT ); d.g = CToD( g, dT, 'z' ); xE = x;
Set the thruster
u = uMax;
Add noise
%---------- pos1Sigma = 10; vel1Sigma = pos1Sigma*wo; y1Sigma = [pos1Sigma*ones(3,1);vel1Sigma*ones(3,1)]*1e-3; % Convert to km bias = [1;1;1;wo;wo;wo]; bias = zeros(6,1); rD = zeros(6,1);
%--------- for k = 1:nSim xPlot(:,k) = [x;xE]; rPlot(:,k) = rD; yMeas = c*x + y1Sigma.*randn(6,1) + bias; [rD, xE] = DetectionFilterUnnormalized( d, yMeas, u, xE ); x = a*x + b*u*uFraction; end
Convert velocity to km/sec
xPlot([4:6 10:12],:) = xPlot([4:6 10:12],:)*wo;
Generate reasonable time labels
%-------------------------------- [t,tL] = TimeLabl( (0:(nSim-1))*dT/wo ); yL = strvcat('x', 'y', 'z', 'vX', 'vY', 'vZ' ); Plot2D( t, xPlot(1:6,:), tL, yL,'True States','lin' ); Plot2D( t, xPlot(7:12,:), tL, yL,'Detection Filter States','lin' ); Plot2D( t, rPlot, tL, yL,'Detection Filter Residuals' ); %-------------------------------------- % PSS internal file version information %-------------------------------------- % $Id: c81cc24886dba98b9d172bb7a7c7988d74ed7d17 $