Alpha-Centauri mission

Analysis of simple straight-line mission. Not time-resolved. Acceleration and deceleration. Assumes a nuclear fusion powered rocket burning the fuel of Helium-3 and Deuterium. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also AtomicMass, RocketMass, Constant -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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% Mission parameters
duration	= 700; % Years
power     = 20e6; % Watts
mP        = 500;
secInYear = 86400*365.25;
eta       = 0.6;
fUE       = 0.12;

% Spacecraft parameters
sP        = 1.4; % kW/kg
fS        = 0.005; % Structural fraction
uFusion   = 2.4e7; % Fusion product velocity, m/s
uE        = fUE*uFusion;
mPP       = power/1000/sP;
mDry      = mP + mPP;

% Constants
c         = Constant('speed of light');
lightYrs  = 4.5;

% Distance
d         = lightYrs*c*secInYear;
v         = d/(duration*secInYear);
f         = v/c;
dV        = 2*v;

[mF, mT, mS, e]   = RocketMass( uE/9.806, mDry, fS, dV );

thrust            = 2*power*eta/uE;

tA                = v*(mDry + 0.75*mF)*1000/thrust/secInYear;
tD                = v*(mDry + 0.25*mF)*1000/thrust/secInYear;

fprintf(1,'Power               %12.1f (MW)\n',power/1e6);
fprintf(1,'Specific Power      %12.1f (kW/kg)\n',sP);
fprintf(1,'Duration            %12.1f (yr)\n',duration);
fprintf(1,'Velocity            %12.1f (km/s)\n',v);
fprintf(1,'Time to Accelerate  %12.1f (yr)\n',tA);
fprintf(1,'Time to Deccelerate %12.1f (yr)\n',tD);
fprintf(1,'Exhaust Velocity    %12.1f (km/s)\n',uE/1000);
fprintf(1,'Thrust              %12.1f (N)\n',thrust);
fprintf(1,'Mass fuel           %12.1f (kg)\n',mF);
fprintf(1,'Mass payload        %12.1f (kg)\n',mP);
fprintf(1,'Mass power plant    %12.1f (kg)\n',mPP);
fprintf(1,'Mass Dry            %12.1f (kg)\n',mT-mF);

rho             = 0.1785e-3; % kg/liter at stp
he3             = AtomicMass('he3','kg');
ePerReaction    = 18.35; % MeV, for D-3He fusion
mEVToJ          = 1.60217646e-19*1e6;
jPerKg          = ePerReaction*mEVToJ/he3;
kgHe3           = power*(tA+tD)*secInYear/jPerKg;
volHe3          = kgHe3 /rho;

fprintf(1,'Mass he3           %12.1f (kg)\n',kgHe3);
fprintf(1,'Volume he3         %12.1f (l)\n',volHe3);

% PSS internal file version information
Power                       20.0 (MW)
Specific Power               1.4 (kW/kg)
Duration                   700.0 (yr)
Velocity                  1927.2 (km/s)
Time to Accelerate         340.2 (yr)
Time to Deccelerate        185.6 (yr)
Exhaust Velocity          2880.0 (km/s)
Thrust                       8.3 (N)
Mass fuel                42177.4 (kg)
Mass payload               500.0 (kg)
Mass power plant         14285.7 (kg)
Mass Dry                 14996.6 (kg)
Mass he3                  565.3 (kg)
Volume he3            3166912.8 (l)