
Asteroid Prospector Simulation

Simulate the Asteroid Prospector mission starting with a spiral out from Earth and performing a rendezvous with Apophis. Try different departure orbits to see the effect on the spiral portion of the orbit. The low-thrust rendezvous corrects each Keplerian orbital element sequentially.

See also TransformECIToSEMR, SunEarthMoonSystemConstants, FCRTBPRHS, LowThrustCRTBP_StopFcn, SEMRToSEMI, SEMToSEMND, LowThrustDVToTransfer, LowThrustRendezvousSim

%   Copyright (c)  Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.

Set up mission data

d       = SunEarthMoonSystemConstants;

% Spacecraft Parameters
g       = 9.806e-3;     % km/s^2
mass0   = 20;           % mass             (kg)
thrust  = 1.9 * 1e-6;   % thrust           (kN)
Isp     = 2800;         % specific impulse (sec)
uE      = g*Isp;        % exhaust velocity (km/s)

% Initial parking altitude
hParking = 35789; % 850; LEO % 20200; GPS % 35789 % GEO

% Initial State in ECI and SEM Rotating Frame
offset = 7;
jD0           = Date2JD([2012 8 1 12 0 0]) + offset;
sma           = d.Re + hParking;
inc           = 0*pi/180;     % Inclination ...     Use 21 deg to match lunar inc
raan          = 348*pi/180;   % Right ascension ... Use 348 deg to match lunar raan
ecc           = 0.0;          % eccentricity
meanAnom      = pi/2;          % mean anomaly
el0           = [sma, inc, raan, 0, ecc, meanAnom];
[rECI,vECI]   = El2RV(el0,d.muEarth);

% Now transform from ECI to SEM rotating frame
[rSEMR0,vSEMR0]	= TransformECIToSEMR(jD0,rECI,vECI);
rSEMRND0        = rSEMR0/d.L;
vSEMRND0        = vSEMR0/(d.L/d.T*2*pi);

Simulate spiral out from Earth.

This accounts for the change in mass as fuel is consumed. The values are converted to non-dimensional units. T is an Earth year and L is 1 AU.

thrustND	  = thrust / (d.L*2*pi) * d.T * d.T;
uEND        = uE / (d.L*2*pi) * d.T;
afun        = @(y) thrustND*Unit(y(4:6))/y(7); % acceleration function
rhs         = @(t,y) FCRTBPRHS(y,t,,afun(y),uEND);
options     = odeset('RelTol',1e-12,'AbsTol',1e-14);

% Stopping conditions
rho             = d.muEarth/d.muSun;
xB              = rho*d.L/(d.muSun + d.muEarth);
xE              = d.L - xB;
xS              = -xB;
clear dStop;
dStop.muEarth   = d.muEarth;
dStop.muSun     = d.muSun;
dStop.L         = d.L;
dStop.rE        = [xE;0;0];
dStop.rS        = [xS;0;0];
dStop.ratio     = 10; % The ratio of solar gravity to earth gravity

% Stop once sun gravity accel dominates that of Earth
options     = odeset(options,'events',@(t,x) LowThrustCRTBP_StopFcn(t,x,dStop),...
[t1,y1]     = ode113(rhs,[0 2],[rSEMRND0;vSEMRND0;mass0],options);
t1d         = t1*d.T/86400; % time in days

rSEMRND     = y1(:,1:3)';
vSEMRND     = y1(:,4:6)';
mass        = y1(:,7);

rSEMR       = rSEMRND*d.L;
vSEMR       = vSEMRND*d.L*2*pi/d.T;
jD          = jD0+t1d';

% Transform position and velocity vectors into the heliocentric frame
elHelio = zeros(length(t1),6);
for i=1:length(t1)
	elHelio(i,:) = RV2El(rSEMI(:,i), vSEMI(:,i), d.muSun);
elHelioExit = elHelio(i,:);

% Plots
NewFig('Low thrust spiral')
axis equal
xlabel('X [km]')
ylabel('Y [km]')
hold on
% add markers every 10 days for last 100 days
t1dd = 0:floor(t1d(end));
tdEnd = floor(t1dd(end)/10)*10;
rd = interp1(t1d,rSEMR',t1dd)';
days0 = tdEnd-110;
days10 = days0:10:tdEnd;
     sprintf('   %d days',days10(end)));
     sprintf('   %d days',days10(end-2)));
grid on

% Plot helio orbital elements of Earth spiral
Plot2D(t1d',elHelio(:,1:5)','Time (sec)',...
  {'a (km)','i (rad)','\Omega (rad)','\omega (rad)','ecc.'},...
  'Heilocentric elements of Earth Spiral');

% Compute time and delta-v
dT1 = t1(end)*d.T;
dV1Tot = -uE*log( mass(end)/mass0 );
fprintf('Spiral requires %f km/s delta-V in %.0f days\n',dV1Tot,dT1/86400);
% This estimate assumes point mass gravity
dVSpiral = LowThrustEscape(d.muEarth,sma);
fprintf('The delta-V estimate from LowThrustEscape was %f km/s.\n',dVSpiral);
Spiral requires 2.635443 km/s delta-V in 306 days
The delta-V estimate from LowThrustEscape was 3.074552 km/s.

Phase 2: Heliocentric orbit, matching Apophis elements

% This is an approximation to a true trajectory optimization, by changing one
% orbital element at a time. Try changing the order of the elements. In this
% particular case, [3 1 2 5] works well. The mean anomaly is not controlled as
% that would be managed by selection the working start date.

% Apophis orbit in heliocentric frame
[elA,~,~,jDA0]      = ApophisOrbit;
pA                  = Period(elA(1),d.muSun);
tA                  = linspace(0,pA*35,7000);
jDA                 = jDA0+tA/86400;
[rA,vA]             = RVOrbGen(elA,tA,[],d.muSun);
[rASEMR,vASEMR,m]   = SEMIToSEMR( jDA, rA, vA );

% Plot spiral out traj in rotating SEMR frame (non-dim)
% Add ND traj of Apophis to last plot of trajectory
hold on
title('Non-Dimensional Spiral Trajectory','color','w')

% Apophis orbit in SEMR
NewFig('Apophis Orbit');
plot3(rASEMR(1,:),rASEMR(2,:),rASEMR(3,:)), grid on, axis equal
title('The Apophis orbit in the Sun-Earth/Moon CRTBP rotating frame')
xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z')

m02 = mass(end);          % initial mass at start of phase 2 (kg)
aMax = thrust/mass(end);  % acceleration at start of phase 2 (km/s/s)
[dT2,dT20,dT2T,elDot20,elDot2T] = ...
  LowThrustTimeToTransfer( elHelio(end,:), elA, aMax, d.muSun );
[dV2Tot,dV2Elem] = LowThrustDVToTransfer( dT2, mass(end), thrust, Isp );

% Low thrust rendezvous sim
elemOrder = [3 1 2 5];
el0 = elHelioExit;
elT = elA;
[t2,el2,r2,v2,mass2,acc2,accRSW2] = LowThrustRendezvousSim(el0,elT,mass(end),...
t2d = t2/86400;
fprintf('---- Results of element matching: ----\n');
fprintf('Total transfer time: %f days\n',t2d(end));
fprintf('Total delta-V: %f km/s\n',sum(Mag(acc2(:,1:end-1)).*diff(t2)));
fprintf('Fuel consumed: %f kg\n',mass2(1)-mass2(end));

% Plots

rH = RVOrbGen(elHelioExit,[],[],d.muSun);
hTraj = Plot3D(rA,[],[],[],'Heliocentric Trajectories');
hold on
legend('Apophis','Earth exit','Transfer','location','best')

% Apophis distance to Earth
Plot2D(tA/d.T, Mag(rASEMRND-repmat([1;0;0],1,length(tA))), ...
  'Time (yrs)','N.D. Distance','Earth-to-Apophis Distance')

% Rendezvous transfer elements
NewFig('Orbital Elements')
plot(t2d,el2(:,k)), hold on, grid on, zoom on, ylabel('SMA (km)')
line([0 t2d(end)],[1 1]*elT(k),'color','r')
plot(t2d,el2(:,k)), hold on, grid on, zoom on, ylabel('Ecc.')
line([0 t2d(end)],[1 1]*elT(k),'color','r')
plot(t2d,el2(:,k)*180/pi), hold on, grid on, zoom on, ylabel('Perigee (deg)')
line([0 t2d(end)],[1 1]*elT(k)*180/pi,'color','r')
plot(t2d,el2(:,k)*180/pi), hold on, grid on, zoom on, ylabel('Inc (deg)')
line([0 t2d(end)],[1 1]*elT(k)*180/pi,'color','r')
plot(t2d,el2(:,k)*180/pi), hold on, grid on, zoom on, ylabel('RAAN (deg)')
line([0 t2d(end)],[1 1]*elT(k)*180/pi,'color','r')

Plot2D(t2d,acc2,'Time (days)','Accel. (km/s/s)','Phase 2 Control')
grid on, zoom on,


% PSS internal file version information
ans = 
  Figure (PlotPSS) with properties:

      Number: 3
        Name: 'SEMRND'
       Color: [0 0 0]
    Position: [560 528 560 420]
       Units: 'pixels'

  Use GET to show all properties
Right Ascension: Estimated 178.55604 deg change over 270.0 days
Right Ascension: Actual    178.55568 deg change over 250.1 days
SMA: Estimated -21466611.62540 km change over 295.0 days
SMA: Actual    -21466452.16248 km change over 211.0 days
Inclination: Estimated 3.21016 deg change over 2.5 years
Inclination: Actual    1.10717 deg change over 64.5 days
Eccentricity: Estimated 0.12804  change over 2.5 years
Eccentricity: Actual    0.12685  change over 238.9 days
---- Results of element matching: ----
Total transfer time: 764.510106 days
Total delta-V: 6.907269 km/s
Fuel consumed: 4.569025 kg