Simulate proximity operations around an asteroid.

The spacecraft has 3-axis thruster control. Ideal attitude sensing is assumed. The PID controller produces a torque vector which is applied directly to the spacecraft. The control keeps the body X axis aligned towards the asteroid as the maneuver takes place. The initial relative velocity is zero; it takes about 3 minutes to achieve the target velocity, and another few minutes for the attitude rates to settle.

The 3D plot shows the resulting trajectory along with the force vector in green and the sensor vector (body X) in red.

See also Inertias, CircularManeuver, PID3Axis, RHSRigidBody6DOF, LoadCAD, DrawCAD


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% This prevents problems if d is defined as a double in the workspace
clear d

Simulation parameters

periodOrbit = 60;   % min
nPeriods    = 1;
dT          = 1;    % s
rOrbit      = 500;	% m
el          = 0;    % Elevation of orbit with respect to the xy-plane
thrust      = 0.1;  % Thrust level for the tangential burn
d.mass      = 20;   % kg

% Compute the time parameters
tEnd        = nPeriods*periodOrbit*60;
nSim        = ceil(tEnd/dT);

% Spacecraft model - 6U CubeSat
d.inertia   = Inertias( d.mass, [0.3 0.2 0.1], 'box', 1 ); % kg-m^2

% State vector [r;v;q;omega]
x           = [rOrbit;0;0; 0;0;0; 1;0;0;0;0;0;0];

% Orbit normal assuming we always start in the xy-plane
u           = Unit(x(1:3));
az          = atan2(u(2),u(1));
uT          = [sin(az)*cos(el);cos(az)*cos(el);sin(el)];

% Set up the control
dC              = PID3Axis; % Default data structure
dC.mode         = 1;        % 1 = align two vectors
dC.body_vector	= [1;0;0];  % align X axis
dC.inertia      = d.inertia;

Design the maneuver

Compute the required force and impulse to achieve the desired orbital period

[fR, iT] = CircularManeuver( periodOrbit, rOrbit, d.mass );
fprintf('Radial force       = %12.2f N\n',fR);
fprintf('Tangential impulse = %12.2f Ns\n',iT);
Radial force       =         0.03 N
Tangential impulse =        17.45 Ns



% Plotting vectors
xP          = zeros(length(x)+7,nSim);
fP          = zeros(3,nSim);

% Time vector
t = (0:(nSim-1))*dT;

for k = 1:nSim

  % Align with nadir - i.e. towards the asteroid
  qECIToBody      = x(7:10);
  uR              = Unit(x(1:3));
  dC.eci_vector   = -uR;
  [d.torque, dC]	= PID3Axis( qECIToBody, dC );

  % Find the pointing error
  body_vector_eci = QTForm( qECIToBody, dC.body_vector );
  arg             = body_vector_eci'*dC.eci_vector;

  if( abs(arg) > 1 )
      arg = sign(arg);
  err = acos(arg);

  % Burn until the tangential impulse is complete
  if( iT > 0 )
      fT	= thrust;
      iT 	= iT - thrust*dT;
      fT  = 0;

  % The total force vector
  d.force         = fT*uT - fR*uR;
  fP(:,k)         = d.force;

  % Store for plotting
  xP(:,k)         = [x;d.force;d.torque;err];

  % Integrate
  x               = RK4(@RHSRigidBody6DOF,x,dT,t(k),d);


Plot the results

[t,tL] = TimeLabl(t);

yL = {'x (km)','y (km)','z (km)','v_x (km)','v_y (km)','v_z (km)'};
Plot2D( t, xP(1:6,:), tL, yL, 'Relative State' )

yL = {'q_s', 'q_x', 'q_y', 'q_z' 'err'};
Plot2D( t, xP( [7:10 20],:), tL, yL, 'Quaternion' );

yL = {'\omega_x','\omega_y','\omega_z'};
Plot2D( t, xP(11:13,:), tL, yL, 'Attitude Rate');

yL = {'f_x (N)' 'f_y (N)' 'f_z (N)' 't_x (Nm)' 't_y (Nm)' 't_z (Nm)'};
Plot2D( t, xP(14:19,:), tL, {'Force (N)','Torque (Nm)'}, 'Force and Torque',...
  'lin',{[1 2 3],[4 5 6]});

% 3D plot
g = LoadCAD('Apophis.obj',[],[],160);
DrawCAD( g );
set(gcf,'name','Apophis Proximity Operations')
hold on
xlabel('X (m) ')
ylabel('Y (m) ')
zlabel('Z (m) ')

% Add the force vectors
dN      = nSim/20;
j       = 1:dN:nSim;

fPMag   = log10(Mag(fP));
fP      = Unit(fP);
xP0     = xP(:,j);
fPs     = [fP(1,:).*fPMag;fP(2,:).*fPMag;fP(3,:).*fPMag];


% Add the sensor vectors in green
sP    = QTForm( xP0(7:10,:), [1;0;0] );

% PSS internal file version information