Simulate a spin precession maneuver for ComStar.

Spin precession maneuvers are used during transfer orbit to reorient the spin-axis.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also SPMMnvr, ComStar, Date2JD -------------------------------------------------------------------------

%   Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 2.

rAI           = 0;
decI          = 3*pi/18;
rAF           = rAI;
decF          = 9*pi/18;
pW            = 0.2;                        % pulsewidth in sec
jD            = Date2JD([1996 3 21 0 0 0]); % equinox
p             = 350*6895*ones(1,8); % pressure in N/m^2
w             = [0;0;5]*pi/30; % 5 RPM
tId           = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8];
cM            = ComStar('TO CM');
inertia       = ComStar('TO Inertia');
[fuelUsed, q] = SPMMnvr( p, tId, pW, jD, inertia, cM, w, rAI, decI, rAF, decF, 'ComStar' );


% $Date$
% $Revision$
azimuth =


prec =


t =

  Columns 1 through 6

            0            0            0            0            0            0
  -4.8035e+00   3.1892e+00   3.1892e+00  -4.8035e+00   4.8035e+00  -3.1892e+00
  -3.9963e+00  -3.9963e+00   3.9963e+00   3.9963e+00   3.9963e+00   3.9963e+00

  Columns 7 through 8

            0            0
  -3.1892e+00   4.8035e+00
  -3.9963e+00  -3.9963e+00

dTheta =


pulses =


Spin Precession Maneuver
Spinrate                        =         5.00 rpm
Right Ascension Start           =         0.00 deg
Declination Start               =        30.00 deg
Right Ascension Final           =         0.00 deg
Declination Final               =        90.00 deg
Number of Pulses                =     114