Simulate the fast reorientation system and demonstrate quaternion propagation

The routines are: QProp, QIToBDot, and the JPL propagation from the Wong reference.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Wong, E.C. and W.G. Breckenridge, "Inertial Attitude Determination for a Dual-Spin Planetary Spacecraft", AIAA Journal of Guidance Navigation, and Control Vol. 6, No. 6, Nov-Dec 1983, pp. 491-8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also FRSTarg, FRSMPlan, FRSCGen, ShapeFlt, QIToBDot, QMult, QPose, QTForm, Plot2D, TimeGUI, RK4, Unit, QMultJPL, QProp, RIGModel -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%   Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 2.

Global for the TimeGUI

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';

Simulation time step

dT   = 0.5;
n    = 5;
nSim = 350;

The spacecraft

cM          = [ 0 0  0 ]';
mass        = 1000.0;
inertia     = [ 2300 0 0; 0 4500 0; 0 0 6600];
invInertia  = inv(inertia);
torqueExt   = zeros(3,1);
forceExt    = zeros(3,1);

Design the shaping filter

wn        = [0.4835 0.9781 1.2437];
wnw       = [0.5    0.5    0.5   ];
wD        = [-40 -40 -40];

[af,bf,cf,df] = ShapeFlt( wn, wnw, wD, 0.2, dT );
xf            = zeros(length(af),1);

Initialize the state vector

x      = [ 0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5   0.0 0.01 0.0 ]';
% x      = [ 1 0 0 0   0.0 0.3 0.0 ]';

Set up the parameters

qRefTo0      = x(1:4) ;
xmodel       = zeros(2,1);
xGyro        = zeros(6,1);

utargetref   = Unit([ 0.1  0.5 -0.4]');
usensor0     = [1;0;0];

Compute the quaternion that will rotate the spacecraft to the target

qRefTo1      = FRSTarg( qRefTo0, usensor0, utargetref );

The maximum allowable acceleration in rad/sec^2

maxaccel     = 0.006;

[qRefTo0i, axis0, maxaccel, nhalf, tbbscale, xmodel, umnvr] = ...
    FRSMPlan( qRefTo0, maxaccel, dT, inertia, qRefTo1 );

Gyro Data


uGyro                 = eye(3);
rateBiasGyro          = [0; 0; 0];
rateRandomWalk1Sigma  = [0; 0; 0];
betaGyro              = [0; 0; 0];
noiseRandomWalk1Sigma = [0; 0; 0];

PD Controller

rateGain     = 2.0*0.7071*0.1*diag(inertia);
angleGain    =      2.0*0.1^2*diag(inertia);

Plotting variables

anglePlot = zeros(3,nSim);
ratePlot  = zeros(1,nSim);
errorPlot = zeros(1,nSim);
q0Plot    = zeros(4,nSim);
tPlot     = zeros(1,nSim);
uMnvrPlot = zeros(2,nSim);
wPlot     = zeros(3,nSim);
tCPLot    = zeros(3,nSim);

gyroPlot  = zeros(3,nSim);
qPSSPlot  = zeros(4,nSim);
qJPLPlot  = zeros(4,nSim);
qPSS2Plot = zeros(4,nSim);

Start the maneuver

t = 0;
dTSim = dT/n;

One step to initialize quaternion propagation


FRS Command generator

[qRefTo0, modelrate, tFRS, xmodel, umnvrf, umnvr, xf] = FRSCGen( axis0,...
    af, bf, cf, df, xmodel, tbbscale, qRefTo0i, umnvr, xf, dT, nhalf,...
    x(5:7), inertia, maxaccel, i );

Spacecraft PD

angleError        = QMult( QPose(x(1:4)), qRefTo0 );
rateError         = x(5:7) - modelrate;
pd                = - rateGain.*rateError - angleGain.*angleError(2:4);

Add the FRS torque and pd torque

torqueExt = tFRS + pd;


for i=1:2
  x         = RK4( 'FRB', x, dTSim, t, inertia, invInertia, torqueExt );

  xGyroLast = xGyro;
  xGyroDot  = RIGModel(uGyro, x(5:7), rateBiasGyro, rateRandomWalk1Sigma,...
      noiseRandomWalk1Sigma, betaGyro);
  xGyro     = xGyroDot*dTSim;
  t         = t + dTSim;

qPSS  = x(1:4);
qJPL  = [-x(2:4);x(1)];
qPSS2 = x(1:4);

Initialize the time display

tToGoMem.lastJD        = 0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone = 0;
tToGoMem.kAve          = 0;
ratioRealTime          = 0;
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, dTSim, 'QuatProp' );

for i = 1:nSim,

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, i, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dTSim );

  % FRS Command generator
  [qRefTo0, modelrate, tFRS, xmodel, umnvrf, umnvr, xf] = FRSCGen( axis0,...
      af, bf, cf, df, xmodel, tbbscale, qRefTo0i, umnvr, xf, dT, nhalf,...
      x(5:7), inertia, maxaccel, i );

  % Spacecraft PD
  angleError        = QMult( QPose(x(1:4)), qRefTo0 );
  rateError         = x(5:7) - modelrate;
  pd                = - rateGain.*rateError - angleGain.*angleError(2:4);

  % Quantities for output of the simulation
  uMnvrPlot(:,i)    = [umnvrf;umnvr];
  anglePlot(:,i)    = angleError(2:4);
  ratePlot(i)       = axis0'*x(5:7) ;
  tPlot(i)          = t;
  q0Plot(:,i)       = x(1:4);
  wPlot(:,i)        = x(5:7);
  tCPlot(:,i)       = tFRS;
  errorPlot(i)      = acos( utargetref' * QTForm( qRefTo0, usensor0 ) );

  qPSSPlot(:,i)     = qPSS;
  qPSS2Plot(:,i)    = qPSS2;
  qJPLPlot(:,i)     = [qJPL(4); -qJPL(1:3)];
  gyroPlot(:,i)     = xGyro(1:3);

  % Add the FRS torque and pd torque
  torqueExt = tFRS + pd;

  % Simulation
  for k = 1:n

    qPSS     = QProp( qPSS, [xGyro(1:3) xGyroLast(1:3)], 4 );
    qPSS2    = Unit(qPSS2+QIToBDot( qPSS2, xGyroDot(1:3), dTSim)*dTSim);

    thetaLastJPL = [xGyroLast(1:3); 0];
    thetaJPL     = [xGyro(1:3); 0];
    thetaJPLSq   = QMultJPL(thetaJPL)*thetaJPL;
    thetaJPLCu   = QMultJPL(thetaJPLSq)*thetaJPL;
    thetaJPLQu   = QMultJPL(thetaJPLCu)*thetaJPL;

    qJPLFact  = [0;0;0;1] + 0.5*thetaJPL + 0.125*thetaJPLSq + (thetaJPLCu ...
        + QMultJPL(thetaLastJPL)*thetaJPL - QMultJPL(thetaJPL)*thetaLastJPL)/48 ...
        + thetaJPLQu/384;

    qJPL      = QMultJPL(qJPLFact)*qJPL;

    x         = RK4( 'FRB', x, dTSim, t, inertia, invInertia, torqueExt );

    xGyroLast = xGyro;
    xGyroDot  = RIGModel(uGyro, x(5:7), rateBiasGyro, rateRandomWalk1Sigma,...
        noiseRandomWalk1Sigma, betaGyro);
    xGyro     = xGyroDot*dTSim;
    t         = t + dTSim;

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'


j     = 1:i;
tPlot = tPlot(j);

Plot the results

Plot2D( tPlot, q0Plot(:,j),    'Time (sec)', 'Quaternion',      'Quaternion'       )
Plot2D( tPlot, qPSSPlot(:,j),  'Time (sec)', 'Quaternion',      'QProp Quaternion'       )
Plot2D( tPlot, qPSS2Plot(:,j), 'Time (sec)', 'Quaternion',      'QIToBDot Quaternion'       )
Plot2D( tPlot, qJPLPlot(:,j),  'Time (sec)', 'Quaternion',      'JPL Quaternion'       )

Plot2D( tPlot, anglePlot(:,j), 'Time (sec)', 'Angle (rad)',     'Tracking Error'   )
Plot2D( tPlot, errorPlot(j),   'Time (sec)', 'Error (rad)',     'Maneuver Error'   )
Plot2D( tPlot, ratePlot(j),    'Time (sec)', 'Rate (rad/sec)',  'Maneuver Rate'    )
Plot2D( tPlot, uMnvrPlot(:,j), 'Time (sec)', 'Command',         'Maneuver Command' )
Plot2D( tPlot, wPlot(:,j),     'Time (sec)', 'Rates (rad/sec)', 'Body Rates'       )
Plot2D( tPlot, tCPlot(:,j),    'Time (sec)', 'Torque',          'Commanded Torque' )

