Analyze the thruster layout for the lunar lander


%   Copyright (c) 2014 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.


One u is 10 cm

u               = 0.1;
zBox            = 4*u;
xBox            = 6.8*u;
yBox            = 6.8*u;
thrust          = [220 1 1 1 1 1 1];              %N
g               = 9.806;
pressure        = 350*6894;
uE              = 235*g;
thrustCoeff     = thrust/pressure;
fuelMass        = 67.63;
rhoFuel         = 1167.9;             %kg/m^3
tNom            = 300;
pI              = 350*6895;
pF              = 100*6895;

rThruster = [      0 -xBox/2 -xBox/2  xBox/2  xBox/2  xBox/2  xBox/2;...
                   0 -yBox/2  yBox/2  yBox/2 -yBox/2  yBox/2 -yBox/2;...
                   0       0       0       0      0   zBox/2  zBox/2];

c = cos(pi/4);
s = sin(pi/4);

uThruster = Unit([ 0   1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1;...
                   0   1 -1 -1  1  0  0;...
                   1   1  1  1  1  0  0]);

Thruster layout and blowdown propulsion design


thisD = cd;
save('RCS.mat', 'rThruster','uThruster');

[v, mP] = BDDesign( fuelMass, rhoFuel, tNom, pI, pF );

fprintf(1,'\n\n------------- Variable Data for RCS System -------------\n\n');
fprintf(1,'fuelDensity     %12.4f\n',	rhoFuel);
fprintf(1,'fuelPressure    %12.4f\n',	pI);
fprintf(1,'mass            %12.4f\n',	fuelMass);
fprintf(1,'massPressurant  %12.4f\n',	mP);
fprintf(1,'temperatureTank %12.4f\n',   tNom);
fprintf(1,'volumeTank      %12.4f\n',	v);

fprintf(1,'\n\n------------- Thruster Data for RCS System Setup File -------------\n\n');
for k = 1:size(rThruster,2)
    fprintf(1,'[%7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2e  %7.2f %7.5f %7.4f %7.2f]\n',...

% PSS internal file version information

------------- Variable Data for RCS System -------------

fuelDensity        1167.9000
fuelPressure    2413250.0000
mass                 67.6300
massPressurant        0.0896
temperatureTank     300.0000
volumeTank            0.0811

------------- Thruster Data for RCS System Setup File -------------

[   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    1.00 9.12e-05  2304.41 0.02000  0.0010    1.00]
[  -0.34   -0.34    0.00    0.58    0.58    0.58 4.14e-07  2304.41 0.02000  0.0010    1.00]
[  -0.34    0.34    0.00    0.58   -0.58    0.58 4.14e-07  2304.41 0.02000  0.0010    1.00]
[   0.34    0.34    0.00   -0.58   -0.58    0.58 4.14e-07  2304.41 0.02000  0.0010    1.00]
[   0.34   -0.34    0.00   -0.58    0.58    0.58 4.14e-07  2304.41 0.02000  0.0010    1.00]
[   0.34    0.34    0.20   -1.00    0.00    0.00 4.14e-07  2304.41 0.02000  0.0010    1.00]
[   0.34   -0.34    0.20   -1.00    0.00    0.00 4.14e-07  2304.41 0.02000  0.0010    1.00]