Lunar mission planning

Compute transfer delta-Vs and simulate a lunar landing starting from low Earth orbit. The entire spacecraft lands, there is no portion left in lunar orbit. The steps are:

  1. Set the elements and date so that transfer orbit and lunar orbit match.
  2. Compute the insertion delta-v
  3. Circularize the lunar orbit
  4. Do a Hohmann descent to the powered landing altitude
  5. Do a powered landing using BilinearTangent ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also RARP2A, RPRA2AE, DVHoh, RVOrbGen, EarthMoon, TrajectoryPlot, RocketMass, Period, RV2El, VOrbit, CEcl2Eq, PlanetPosJPL, BilinearTangentLaw, Constant, CreateHTMLTable, DisplayLatexTable, NewFig, TimeLabl, XLabelS, Date2JD, RK4, Mag -------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Constants and parameters

The lander spacecraft is small, only 30 kg. We will be working in Earth-centered ecliptic coordinates for the transfer. The moon has a constant inclination with respect to the ecliptic plane.

rMoon         = Constant('equatorial radius moon');
muMoon        = Constant('mu moon');
gEarth        = Constant('accel grav mks');
muEarth       = Constant('mu earth');
kMToM         = 1000;

ATK Star 26B TE-M-442-1

iSpSolid      = 271.7;
fSSolid       = 0.09;
insEngine     = 'ATK Star 26B TE-M-442-1';

% hDescent is the altitude from which you begin the descent leg. Allow for
% the highest point on dark side, which is 6.5 km higher than Mons Huygens
% (altitude 4.7 km), and allow a margin of 0.3 km
hDescent     	= 6.5 + 4.7 + 0.3;

% Lunar orbit altitude
hLunarOrbit   = 200;
% Initial LEO altitude
rEarthParking	= 7000;
% Adjust this date until the orbits match
jD0               = Date2JD( [2016 5 13 18 30 0] );

% Work in the ecliptic frame
PlanetPosJPL( 'initialize', 10  );
[rJPL, mu, vJPL]	= PlanetPosJPL( 'update', jD0, 1  );
elM               = RV2El(rJPL,vJPL);

% Dry mass of the lander
massDry      	= 30;
% Specific impulse of the ECAPS LMP-103 engine
iSp          	= 285;

Transfer orbit

Generate a transfer orbit so that apogee is behind the moon. We need to match longitude, argument of perigee and inclination.

rLunarOrbit   = hLunarOrbit + rMoon;
rA            = elM(1)*(1+elM(5)) + rMoon + rLunarOrbit;
rP            = rEarthParking;
[aT,eT]       = RPRA2AE( rP, rA );
t             = linspace(0,Period(aT)/2,1000);
[rM, vM]      = RVOrbGen(elM,t); % Lunar orbit
[r, v]        = RVOrbGen([aT elM(2:4) eT 0],t);
vTP           = VOrbit(rP,aT);

% Transform into ECI for simulation purposes
cEclToECI     = CEcl2Eq( jD0 );
fprintf(1,'rECI = [%12.4f;%12.4f;%12.4f]\n',cEclToECI*r(:,1));
fprintf(1,'vECI = [%12.4f;%12.4f;%12.4f]\n',cEclToECI*v(:,1));

dVIns         = vTP - sqrt(muEarth/rEarthParking);

% Plot the trajectory for the Earth/Moon transfer
jD = jD0 + t/86400; % in days
EarthMoon( r, jD, [1, 1], rM );
rECI = [   6032.9050;   3398.1555;   1027.9092]
vECI = [     -5.3643;      8.6263;      2.9659]

Compute the delta-vs

% Insertion from LEO
rP       = rMoon+hLunarOrbit;
rA       = Mag(r(:,end)-rM(:,end));
aM       = RARP2A( rP, rA );
vA       = VOrbit( rA, aM, muMoon );
vInf     = Mag(vM(:,end) - v(:,end));
vM       = sqrt(vInf^2 + muMoon/rA);
dV       = [];
dV(1)    = abs(vM-vA);

% Circularization of the lunar orbit
vE       = VOrbit( rA, aM, muMoon );
vC       = sqrt(muMoon/rA);
dV(2)    = abs(vC - vE);

% Hohmann from lunar orbit altitude to hDescent
dV(3)    = DVHoh( rLunarOrbit, rMoon+hDescent, vC, muMoon  );

Powered descent using the bilinear tangent

% Find the thrust direction angles
g           = muMoon/rMoon^2;
u           = sqrt(muMoon/(rMoon+hDescent));

% Find the minimum descent thrust for a range of acceleration ratios
% Ratio of engine acceleration to lunar gravity
nAccel = linspace(1.1,4);
% Size arrays
tPeak       = zeros(1,length(nAccel));
tLand       = zeros(1,length(nAccel));
% Steps for the bilinear tangent
nSteps = 2000;
for k = 1:length(nAccel)
  a     	= nAccel(k)*g;
  [~, t]	= BilinearTangentLaw( u, g, a, hDescent, nSteps );
  dV(4)  	= t(end)*a;

  % Compute the mass ratio
  mR        = exp(sum(dV)*kMToM/(gEarth*iSp));
  massFuel	= massDry*(mR-1);

  % Store results
  tPeak(k)	= (massDry+massFuel)*a*1000;
  tLand(k)	= t(end)/60;

% Plot landing thrust and time
NewFig('Landing Thrust and Time');
[AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(nAccel,tPeak,nAccel,tLand);
set(get(AX(1),'Ylabel'),'String','Thrust (N)','FontWeight','bold')
set(get(AX(2),'Ylabel'),'String','Landing Time (min)','FontWeight','bold')
XLabelS('Thrust Acceleration/Lunar g');
set(H1(1),'linestyle','--','color',[0 0 1])
set(H2(1),'linestyle','-', 'color',[0 1 0])
grid on
legend('Thrust (N)','Landing Time (min)');

% Generate the trajectory to be used
[tPeakM,kM] = min(tPeak);
nAccelM     = nAccel(kM);
tLandM      = tLand(kM);
acc         = nAccelM*g;

axes(AX(1)); hold on;
axes(AX(2)); hold on;

[beta, t]	= BilinearTangentLaw( u, g, acc, hDescent, nSteps );
dV(4)     = t(end)*acc;

% Compute the mass ratio
mR          = exp(sum(dV)*kMToM/(gEarth*iSp));
massFuel    = massDry*(mR-1);

Insertion delta-V

uE  = iSpSolid*g;

[mF, mT] = RocketMass( iSpSolid, massFuel+massDry, fSSolid, dVIns );
iIns     = iSpSolid*gEarth*mF/4.448;

Print transfer results

clear s

k = 1;
s{k,1} = 'Julian Date';                   s{k,2} = sprintf('%9.2f days',jD0);       k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Transfer Orbit   $\Delta V$';   s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km/s',dVIns);     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Transfer stage mass';           s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f kg',mT);          k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Insertion Impulse';             s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f lbf-s',iIns);     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Insertion Engine';              s{k,2} = insEngine;                       k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Transfer Orbit   $\Delta V$';   s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km/s',dVIns);     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'V$_infty$';                     s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km/s',vInf);      k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Perigee altitude lunar orbit';	s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km',rP-rMoon);    k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Circular orbit altitude';       s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km',hLunarOrbit); k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Descent orbit altitude';        s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km',hDescent);    k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Insertion $\Delta V$';          s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.3f km/s',dV(1));     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Circularization  $\Delta V$';   s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.3f km/s',dV(2));     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Orbit lowering  $\Delta V$';    s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.3f km/s',dV(3));     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Landing  $\Delta V$';           s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km/s',dV(4));     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Mission total  $\Delta V$';     s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f km/s',sum(dV));   k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Mass dry';                      s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f kg',massDry);     k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Mass fuel';                     s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f kg',massFuel);    k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'I$_sp$';                        s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f sec',iSp);        k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Peak thrust';                   s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f N',tPeakM);       k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Acceleration ratio';            s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f',nAccelM);        k = k + 1;
s{k,1} = 'Landing time';                  s{k,2} = sprintf('%4.2f min',tLandM);

thisPath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
                 Julian Date         2457522.27 days 
 Transfer Orbit   $\Delta V$               3.04 km/s 
         Transfer stage mass               496.22 kg 
           Insertion Impulse         202139.61 lbf-s 
            Insertion Engine ATK Star 26B TE-M-442-1 
 Transfer Orbit   $\Delta V$               3.04 km/s 
                   V$_infty$               0.78 km/s 
Perigee altitude lunar orbit               200.00 km 
     Circular orbit altitude               200.00 km 
      Descent orbit altitude                11.50 km 
        Insertion $\Delta V$              0.582 km/s 
 Circularization  $\Delta V$              0.282 km/s 
  Orbit lowering  $\Delta V$              0.736 km/s 
         Landing  $\Delta V$               2.46 km/s 
   Mission total  $\Delta V$               4.06 km/s 
                    Mass dry                30.00 kg 
                   Mass fuel                98.40 kg 
                      I$_sp$              285.00 sec 
                 Peak thrust                284.20 N 
          Acceleration ratio                    1.36 
                Landing time               18.55 min 

Simulate the landing

beta is the thrust vector angle from the horizontal. We need to flip the results for a landing as the default is an ascent.

% Flip for a landing
beta = fliplr(beta);
dT   = t(2) - t(1);

% Size the plotting array
n   = length(beta);
xP  = zeros(2,n);

% Initial state
x   = [0;hDescent;-u;0];

% Simulate
for k = 1:n
  xP(:,k)	= x(1:2);
  x       = RK4('RHSPlanetTakeoff',x,dT,0,acc,g,beta(k));

xP(1,:) = xP(1,:) - min(xP(1,:));

% Plot the simulation results
t = TimeLabl(t);
u = [cos(beta);sin(beta)];
TrajectoryPlot(xP,t,u,'ylabel','Altitude (km)','xlabel','X (km)',...
               'title','Lunar Descent Simulation', 'time units','min');

% PSS internal file version information