Lunar Orbit Insertion Demo

Simulate a spacecraft in a hyperbolic lunar orbit entering lunar orbit and doing a circularization burn. This script can be modifed for any starting hyperbolic orbit.

RHSLunarOrbit has just the lunar gravity. It models point mass motion in the gravity field. This script uses OrbitLoweringManeuvers to schedule and implement the orbit change maneuvers.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also OrbitLoweringManeuvers, RHSLunarOrbit, VInfRPToRV, PlotLunarOrbit, RPRA2AE, TimeOfFlightHyperbola, Period, SunV1, Constant, Plot2D, TimeLabl, Date2JD, RK4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------


%   Copyright (c) 2016 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since 2016.1


rMoon                       = 1738;
dayToSec                    = 86400;
muMoon                      = Constant('mu moon');

User inputs

dateEncounter               = [2016 5 10 1 30 0];
dT                          = 1;    % integration time step seconds

% Elements of the hyperbolic orbit
rP                          = 3000; % km
i                           = 0;    % rad
lon                         = 0;    % rad
arg                         = 0;    % rad
trueAnomaly                 = -0.8; % rad
vInf                        = 0.9;  % km/s
incLunarOrbit               = 1;
surfaceMagnificationFactor  = 10;   % For lunar terrain display
mass                        = 200;	% kg
massFuel                    =  80;	% kg
thrust                      = 900;	% N
uE                          = 0.285*9.806; % km/s
altitude                    = 200;

Simulation setup

% Orbits
rP1       = rMoon+altitude; % Final desired orbit radius
[a,e]     = RPRA2AE(rP1,rP); % Elliptical
[a2,e2]   = RPRA2AE(rP1,rP1); % Circular - e2 will be zero

% Converts v infinity and radius of perigee into orbital elements
[r,v,el]	= VInfRPToRV( vInf, rP, trueAnomaly, muMoon, i, lon, arg );

% Total simulation time
tEnd     	= TimeOfFlightHyperbola(el(1),el(5),trueAnomaly,-trueAnomaly,muMoon) + Period(a,muMoon) + Period(a2,muMoon);

Setup up maneuver plans

There will be two maneuvers. The first puts the spacecraft into an elliptical orbit, the second into a 200 km circular orbit

dMnvr             = OrbitLoweringManeuvers;
dMnvr.el0         = el;
dMnvr.thrust      = thrust;
dMnvr.uE          = uE;
dMnvr.mass        = mass;
dMnvr.massFuel    = massFuel;
dMnvr.orbit(1).a  = a; % Apogee needs to be the hyperbolic perigee
dMnvr.orbit(1).e 	= e;
dMnvr.orbit(2).a  = a2; % Apogee needs to be the circular orbit radisu
dMnvr.orbit(2).e 	= e2; %
dMnvr             = OrbitLoweringManeuvers( 'initialize', dMnvr, '');

Initialize the simulation model

dRHS              = RHSLunarOrbit;
nSim              = ceil(tEnd/dT);
dRHS.jD0          = Date2JD(dateEncounter);
dRHS.mass         = mass - massFuel;
x                 = [r;v;massFuel];

% This initializes the state names and auxiliary output names
RHSLunarOrbit( x );

Run the simulation

t       = 0;
xP      = zeros(length(x),nSim);
[~, p]	= RHSLunarOrbit( x, t, dRHS ); % Get the names
pP      = zeros(length(p.auxNames),nSim);

for k = 1:nSim

  % Plot storage
  [~, p]      = RHSLunarOrbit( x, t, dRHS );
  xP(:,k)     = x;
  pP(:,k)     = p.aux;

  % Control
  [uThrust, dMnvr]  = OrbitLoweringManeuvers( 'update', dMnvr, t, x(4:6) );
  dRHS.force        = thrust*uThrust; % uThrust is zero when engines are off

  % Propagate
  x           = RK4(@RHSLunarOrbit,x,dT,t,dRHS);
  t           = t + dT;


Plot the results

t       = (0:nSim-1)*dT;
jD      = dRHS.jD0 + t/dayToSec; % in days

% Make reasonable time units
[t,tL]	= TimeLabl(t);

% Plot the states
k = 1:3;
Plot2D(t,xP(k,:),tL,p.stateNames(k),'Position');	k = 4:6;

% Plot the auxiliary outputs
Plot2D(t,pP,tL,p.auxNames,'Thruster Force');

uSun = SunV1(dRHS.jD0); % This is just for show

PlotLunarOrbit( xP(1:3,:), jD, uSun, pP, surfaceMagnificationFactor );

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