Spiral to a Hohmann Transfer to Apophis.

Computes the Hohmann transfer delta v and the spiral delta v.

The actual delta v for the Hohmann will be higher due to the low thrust. The script simulates the outbound spiral plotting the results in earth fixed and heliocentric coordinates.

The simulation also computes fuel consumption and will turn off the engine when it runs out of fuel.

You start the spacecraft in GPS earth orbit. If there is no thrust, it will oscillate around the earth. The control system applies thrust in the tangential direction.

The time step must be small enough to be at least 10 times smaller than the shortest period in the simulation. If you start orbiting earth with a 90 minute period, the time step should be no longer than 9 minutes. You will get better results with shorter time steps.

Things to explore:

1. With the engine off vary the DT and look at the earth-centered
   velocity. It should get smoother as DT decreases.
2. Turn the engine on. Change the thrust to see how long it takes
   for the spacecraft to escape the earth.

Since version 2014.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also ApophisOrbit, LowThrustEscape, RHSHelioWithPlanets, SolarSysState, HelioFromPlanetInit, CEcl2Eq -------------------------------------------------------------------------


------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2014 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------------------------


aU                      = Constant('au');
muSun                   = Constant('mu sun');
muEarth                 = Constant('mu earth');
secToDay                = 1/86400;

Simulation duration

nDays                   = 300;
tEnd                    = nDays/secToDay;
dT                      = 400;

Spacecraft control

engineOn                = 1;

Spacecraft parameters

mInitial                = 20; % kg
mFuel                   = 5; % kg
uE                      = 2.800*9.806; % km/s Busek Ion engine
thrust                  = 1.9e-3; % N
a0                      = 26600; % GPS Orbit
jD0                     = Date2JD([2016 6 1 0 0 0]);

Compute the Hohmann Transfer from Earth to Apophis

accel                   = thrust/mInitial/1000; % km/s^2
dVAvailable             = uE*log(mInitial/(mInitial-mFuel));
elA                     = ApophisOrbit;
aA                      = elA(1);
aE                      = aU;
[dV, dV1, dV2, eT, aT]	= DVHoh( aE, aA, [], muSun );

dVEscape                = LowThrustEscape( 'earth', a0 );
tSpiral                 = dVEscape/accel;

Plot the results

tOF                     = Period(aT,muSun)/2;
t                       = linspace(0,tOF);
el                      = [aT 0 0 0 eT 0];
rT                      = RVFromKepler( el, t, muSun )/aU;
a                       = linspace(0,2*pi);
cA                      = cos(a);
sA                      = sin(a);
aA                      = aA/aU;
aE                      = aE/aU;

NewFig('Hohmann Transfer')
hold on
text(0,0,'     Sun')
text( 0.95*aA,0,'Apophis')
axis image

fprintf(1,'Time for first delta V  %12.2f days\n',(dV1/accel)*secToDay);
fprintf(1,'Time for second delta V %12.2f days\n',(dV2/accel)*secToDay);
fprintf(1,'Transfer time           %12.2f days\n',tOF*secToDay);
fprintf(1,'Total Hohmann delta V   %12.2f km/s\n',dV);
fprintf(1,'Delta V Earth Escape    %12.2f km/s\n',dVEscape);
fprintf(1,'Available Delta V       %12.2f km/s\n',dVAvailable);
fprintf(1,'Initial Earth Orbit     %12.2f km\n',a0);
fprintf(1,'Spiral time             %12.2f days\n',tSpiral*secToDay);
grid =
     0     0     1     0     0     0     1     0
     0     0     0     1     0     1     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0     1     1     0
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0
     0     1     0     0     0     1     1     1
Time for first delta V         73.95 days
Time for second delta V        75.45 days
Transfer time                 172.11 days
Total Hohmann delta V           1.23 km/s
Delta V Earth Escape            3.87 km/s
Available Delta V               7.90 km/s
Initial Earth Orbit         26600.00 km
Spiral time                   471.62 days

Simulate the outward spiral


% Number of time steps
nSim        = floor(tEnd/dT);

% Set up the simulation
t           = (0:(nSim-1))*dT;

% Size the plotting array
xP          = zeros(13,nSim);
gP          = zeros( 6,nSim);

% Start in a GPS Orbit about the earth
[r, v]      = GPSSatellite(jD0);
x           = [HelioFromPlanetInit( 'earth', [r(:,1); v(:,1)], jD0 );mFuel];
d.p         = Planets('rad','earth');
d.muSun     = muSun;
d.muPlanet	= muEarth;
d.mDry      = mInitial - mFuel;
d.uE        = uE*1000;
d.jD0       = jD0;

% Control the engine
if( ~engineOn )
    thrust = 0;

% Simulate the earth escape spiral
global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim );
nU = floor(nSim/100);
for k = 1:nSim
  if (rem(k,nU) == 0)
    % Display the status message
    [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dT );
    % Time control
    switch simulationAction
      case 'pause'
        simulationAction = ' ';
      case 'stop'
      case 'plot'

  % Current Julian date
  jD          = jD0 + t(k)/86400;

  % Find the thrust vector along the velocity vector relative
  % to the earth
  xE          = SolarSysState( d.p, jD );
  u	          = Unit(x(4:6) - xE(4:6));
  d.thrust    = u*thrust;

  % This is just for plotting purposes
  c           = CEcl2Eq( jD );
  vEC         = c*(x(4:6) - xE(4:6));
  rEC         = c*(x(1:3) - xE(1:3));
  xP(:,k)     = [x;rEC;vEC];

  % Get a data structure with gravitational accelerations
  [xDot, g]	  = RHSHelioWithPlanets( x, t(k), d );
  gP(:,k)     = [g.accelSun;g.accelPlanet];

  % Propagate
  x           = RK4( 'RHSHelioWithPlanets', x, dT, t(k), d );

Plot the results

t = t(1:k);
xP = xP(:,1:k);
gP = gP(:,1:k);

% Creates convenient units for time labels
[t, tL] = TimeLabl( t );

Plot3D(xP(1:3,:),'X (au)','Y (au)', 'Z (au)', 'Heliocentric Trajectory')
hold on
text(0,0,'     Sun')

Plot3D(xP(8:10,:),'X (km)','Y (km)', 'Z (km)', 'Earth Centered Trajectory')
hold on
text(0,0,'     Earth')

Plot2D(t,[xP( 8:10,:);Mag(xP(11:13,:))],tL,{'X (km)' 'Y (km)', 'Z (km)' '|V| (km/s)'}, 'Earth Centered Position and |V|')
Plot2D(t,[Mag(gP(1:3,:));Mag(gP(4:6,:))],tL,{'Accel (km/s^2)' }, 'Gravitational Acceleration')

% PSS internal file version information