Optimal 3D transfer to Mars, continuous thrust

Optimize a transfer to Mars for continuous thrust, minimizing the total acceleration. This is a fixed end point optimization, run it with different durations and start dates to see how the delta-V required will vary. This routine uses JPL ephemerides for both the Earth and Mars. The optimization function requires fmincon in the Optimization toolbox.

This demo uses a longer duration resulting in a power level that might be appropriate for for a solar powered electric propulsion mission.

See also: Date2JD, TrajectoryBetweenTwoPlanets, SpacecraftFromAccel


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%   Since version 2023.1

Compute the optimal trajectory

Launch date

jD0 = Date2JD([2022 6 19 0 0 0]);

% Planet IDs
planet1 = 3;
planet2 = 4;

% long, low-thrust transfer
years = 0.5;
nPts  = 50;
s     = TrajectoryBetweenTwoPlanets( jD0, planet1, planet2, years, 50 );
                                            First-order      Norm of
 Iter F-count            f(x)  Feasibility   optimality         step
    0     301    1.538129e-04    1.021e+08    1.842e-05
    1     602    7.979193e-05    1.399e+07    4.701e+03    1.390e-05
    2     903    8.401357e-05    1.016e+05    4.684e+03    3.822e-06
    3    1205    7.488607e-05    3.256e+03    3.943e+03    3.079e-06
    4    1507    7.359173e-05    1.313e+03    1.585e+02    8.471e-07
    5    1808    7.356509e-05    6.971e+02    2.196e-01    2.167e-08
    6    2109    7.356494e-05    3.866e+00    4.722e-02    2.326e-10

Optimization stopped because the relative changes in all elements of x are
less than options.StepTolerance = 1.000000e-10, and the relative maximum constraint
violation, 3.785413e-08, is less than options.ConstraintTolerance = 1.000000e-06.

Nonoptimal solution, flag: 2
         iterations: 6
          funcCount: 2109
    constrviolation: 3.8663
           stepsize: 2.3264e-10
          algorithm: 'interior-point'
      firstorderopt: 0.04722
       cgiterations: 0
            message: 'Local minimum possible. Constraints satisfied.↵↵fmincon stopped because the size of the current step is less than↵the value of the step size tolerance and constraints are ↵satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.↵↵<stopping criteria details>↵↵Optimization stopped because the relative changes in all elements of x are↵less than options.StepTolerance = 1.000000e-10, and the relative maximum constraint↵violation, 3.785413e-08, is less than options.ConstraintTolerance = 1.000000e-06.'
       bestfeasible: []

Final Equality Constraints (km, km/s)

Size the spacecraft

This will compute the power required to move the requested payload given the acceleration profile returned from the optimization. Not all combinations of parameters will converge.

sC = SpacecraftFromAccel;
sC.uE    = 50;    % exhaust velocity, km/s
sC.sigma = 300;   % specific power, W/kg
sC.fS    = 0.08;  % fuel structural fraction
sC.eff   = 0.8;   % efficiency to jet thrust power
sC.mP    = 10000;  % payload mass, kg


Total mission DV:     23.2 km/s
Max thrust power:    3.496 MW
Total mass:        40712.9 kg
Payload mass:     10000 kg
Engine mass:      11654 kg
Fuel mass:        15121 kg
Structural mass:  1210 kg
Payload Fraction: 0.245622