Compute the delta-V for a low thrust mission to Mars synchronous orbit.
See also LowThrustEscape, LTSpiral., Constant, MolWt, UE, Planets,
a0 = 6768;
dVEscapeEarth = LowThrustEscape( 'earth', a0 );
d = SolarSystemProperties('mars');
muMars = Constant('mu mars');
rMars = (muMars/d.rotationRate^2)^(1/3);
dVCaptureMars = LowThrustEscape( 'mars', rMars );
p = Planets( 'rad', [3 4] );
aU = Constant('au');
dVEarthToMars = LTSpiral( p.a(1)*aU, p.a(2)*aU, [], Constant('mu sun') );
dVTotal = dVEscapeEarth + dVCaptureMars + dVEarthToMars;
uE = 24;
mR = exp( dVTotal/uE );
mT = 180;
mF = mT*(mR-1)/mR;
mAve = mT - mF/2;
thrust = 0.4;
mET = mAve*dVTotal*1000/thrust/86400;
volume = (4/3)*pi*(0.5*19*.0254)^3;
r = 8.31450;
molWt = 131.30;
fprintf('Delta-V Earth Escape \t%12.2f\t km/sec\n',dVEscapeEarth)
fprintf('Delta-V Mars Capture \t%12.2f\t km/sec\n',dVCaptureMars)
fprintf('Delta-V Earth to Mars \t%12.2f\t km/sec\n',dVEarthToMars)
fprintf('Total Delta-V \t%12.2f\t km/sec\n',dVTotal )
fprintf('Initial Earth Orbit \t%12.2f\t km\n' , a0 )
fprintf('Synchronous Mars Orbit \t%12.2f\t km\n' , rMars )
fprintf('Exhaust Velocity \t%12.2f\t km/sec\n', uE )
fprintf('Mass Ratio \t%12.2f\t \n' , mR )
fprintf('Mass Total \t%12.2f\t kg\n' , mT )
fprintf('Mass Fuel \t%12.2f\t kg\n' , mF )
fprintf('Thrust \t%12.2f\t N\n' , thrust )
fprintf('Mission duration \t%12.2f\t days\n' , mET )
Delta-V Earth Escape 7.67 km/sec
Delta-V Mars Capture 1.45 km/sec
Delta-V Earth to Mars 5.66 km/sec
Total Delta-V 14.78 km/sec
Initial Earth Orbit 6768.00 km
Synchronous Mars Orbit 20427.67 km
Exhaust Velocity 24.00 km/sec
Mass Ratio 1.85
Mass Total 180.00 kg
Mass Fuel 82.76 kg
Thrust 0.40 N
Mission duration 59.27 days