Compute delta-v dispersions given declination and velocity errors.
See also Constant, DVDisp
rE = Constant('Earth Radius Equator');
mu = Constant('mu');
dVEff = 0.99983;
i = 7.833;
rP = rE + 250;
rA = 42164.16;
vT = sqrt(mu/rA);
vA = (rP/rA)*sqrt(2*mu*rA/((rA+rP)*rP));
decErr = 0.5;
vErr = 0.007;
[v,dec,dV,dI] = DVDisp(i,vA,vT,decErr,vErr);
dVInc = 6148*sin(dI*pi/180);
fprintf('Velocity error = %8.3f m/sec\n',1000*dV);
fprintf('Inclination error = %8.3f deg\n' ,dI);
fprintf('Delta V due to inclination error = %8.3f m/sec\n',dVInc);
fprintf('Efficiency error = %8.3f m/sec\n',v*(1-dVEff)*1000);
Velocity error = 4.986 m/sec
Inclination error = 0.261 deg
Delta V due to inclination error = 28.040 m/sec
Efficiency error = 0.256 m/sec