Delta-V for a Hohmann transfer between LEO and GEO.

Start in a 200 km circular 9.1 deg orbit. The initial orbit and transfer orbit mass are acheivable by a Falcon 1e rocket.

The Falcon 1e can lift smaller masses into higher orbits so this is not necessarily the best you can do with the Falcon 1e.

Since version 8.
See also OrbMnvrInclAndHohm and RocketMass.


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h  = 200;            % km Orbit height at separation
i  = 9.1;            % deg Orbit inclination at separation
rI = 6378.165 + 200; % km Initial orbit radius
rF = 42167;          % km Final orbit radius
iI = i*pi/180;       % Initial inclination
iF = 0;              % Final inclination (geosynchronous)

Compute the required velocity change

[deltaV, deltaI, tOF] = OrbMnvrInclAndHohm( rI, rF, iI, iF );

mP  = 170; % kg payload. This makes mT what the Falcon 1e can lift.

iSP = 290; % sec for a modern solid. Liquids can do better.

structuralRatio = 0.1;% Not the best

Design the transfer orbit stage

if( exist('RocketMass','file') )
  [mF, mT, mS] = RocketMass( iSP, mP, structuralRatio, ) ;
  mF = 0;
  mT = 0;
  mS = 0;
  warning('Function "RocketMass" (in Propulsion module) not found. Cannot compute fuel and structural mass.')

fprintf('\nGeo transfer from %4.1f km and %4.1f deg\n',h,i);
fprintf('Structural ratio    = %8.1f\n',     structuralRatio)
fprintf('Isp                 = %8.1f sec\n', iSP)
fprintf('Total mass          = %8.1f kg\n',  mT)
fprintf('Fuel mass           = %8.1f kg\n',  mF)
fprintf('Structural mass     = %8.1f kg\n',  mS)
fprintf('Payload mass        = %8.1f kg\n',  mP)
fprintf('Transfer orbit time = %8.1f hours\n',  tOF/3600)
fprintf('Total Delta-V       = %8.2f km/s\n',

Geo transfer from 200.0 km and  9.1 deg
Structural ratio    =      0.1
Isp                 =    290.0 sec
Total mass          =    986.3 kg
Fuel mass           =    742.1 kg
Structural mass     =     74.2 kg
Payload mass        =    170.0 kg
Transfer orbit time =      5.3 hours
Total Delta-V       =     3.97 km/s