Simple demo to compute drag over one orbit

Assumes point mass s/c, two body propagation. The only perturbing
acceleration considered is due to drag. Mass is assumed to be constant,
fixed cross-sectional area and drag coefficient. Demo produces plots of
spacecraft position and velocity (in ECI frame) and drag force (N) (in
ECI frame). DV due to drag perturbation is displayed.
Since version 11
See also:    Constant, Date2JD, Period, RVFromKepler,
SolarFluxPrediction, AtmJ70, EarthRte, Skew, ECIToEF, FOrbCart, Mag,


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System Constants

mu     = Constant('mu');   % Earth gravitational constant

Time Constants

Enter the number of orbits to propagate for and the number of time steps per orbit

nStep      = 100;    % number of time steps over one orbit
nOrb       = 2;    	% number of orbit revs

Vehicle parameters

Change the vehicle parameters to meet your s/c requirements

area       = 2;      % vehicle area (for use in drag computation) [m^2]
mass       = 100;    % vehicle mass [kg]
cD         = 2.7;    % drag coefficient

Select start date

jD0 = Date2JD([2012 3 22 0 0 0]);   % select simulation start date

Define orbital elements

[semi-major axis, inclination, argument of perigee, ascending node, eccentricity, mean anomaly]

el     = [7000 0 0 0 0 0];          % units - [km, rad, rad, rad, - , rad]

Assign time vector

nSim      = nStep*nOrb;                            % total simulation steps
t         = linspace(0,nOrb*Period(el(1)),nSim);   % time vector
dTSim     = t(2)-t(1);                             % integration time [s]

Define Initial State

[r0, v0] = RVFromKepler( el, 0, mu);      % initial position, velocity
x = [r0; v0];                             % state vector

Solar flux

Get the solar flux predictions for the atmospheric density model. The atmospheric density model used is Jacchia's 1970 model. See the function AtmJ70 for more information.

[aP, f, fHat, fHat400] = SolarFluxPrediction( jD0, 'nominal' );
dAtm.aP      = aP(1);
dAtm.f       = f(1);
dAtm.fHat    = fHat(1);
dAtm.fHat400 = fHat400(1);

Set up EF to ECI rotations

Use relative velocity between earth and s/c

earthRate        = EarthRte( jD0 );  % mean Earth rate
omegaEarth       = [0;0;earthRate];
skewOmegaEarth   = Skew( omegaEarth );

Set up plotting array

xPlot = zeros(6,nSim);
dragPlot = zeros(3,nSim);
total_dv = 0;

for k = 1:nSim

   % Extract position, velocity
   r           = x(1:3);    % [km]
   v           = x(4:6);    % [km/s]

   % Julian date
   jD          = jD0 + t(k)/(60*60*24);   % Update the jD

   % Find the perturbing acceleration due the atmosphere
   dAtm.rECI   = r;
   dAtm.jD     = jD;
   rho         = AtmJ70( dAtm )*1000;     %scale from g/cm^3 to kg/m^3

   % Find the ECI to EF matrix
	cECIToEF    = ECIToEF( JD2T(jD) );

   % Find the position vector in EF
   rEF         = cECIToEF*r;

   % Account for earth rotation
   vRel        = v - cECIToEF'*skewOmegaEarth*rEF;

   % Acceleration perturbation due to drag
   fDrag       = -0.5*area*cD*rho*Mag(vRel)*vRel*1000;   % convert to kN
   aDrag       = fDrag/(mass);                           % km/s^2

   % Propagate the orbit
   x           = RK4( 'FOrbCart', x, dTSim, t(k), aDrag, mu );

   % Store data for plotting
   xPlot(:,k)        = x;              % state
   dragPlot(:,k)     = fDrag*1000;     % drag force in N

   total_dv          = total_dv + Mag(aDrag)*dTSim;  % total delta v (km/s)


Total Delta V (due to drag perturbation)

fprintf('\n The total delta v due to drag is %0.3s km/s, over %i orbit(s). \n \n',total_dv,nOrb)
 The total delta v due to drag is 3.602e-06 km/s, over 2 orbit(s). 


[t, tL] = TimeLabl(t);

% Y-axis labels
yL = {'r_x (km)' 'r_y (km)' 'r_z (km)' 'v_x (km/s)' 'v_y (km/s)' ...
   'v_z (km/s)' 'F_x (N)', 'F_y (N)', 'F_z (N)'};

Plot2D( t, xPlot( 1: 3,:), tL, (yL( 1: 3)), 'S/C Position - ECI Frame' );
Plot2D( t, xPlot( 4: 6,:), tL, (yL( 4: 6)), 'S/C Velocity - ECI Frame' );
Plot2D( t, dragPlot, tL,  (yL( 7: 9)), 'Drag Force (N)' );

% PSS internal file version information