Perform LEOP (Launch and Early Analysis Phase) analysis.

This script allows you to select the number of burns, the rev (orbit) of each burn and the fraction of the total delta-v per burn. It then propagates the orbit using ode113.

See also Constant, Plot2D, TimeLabl, Mag, Unit, RARP2A, RARP2E,
OrbTrackECI3D, El2RV, Period, RV2A, RV2El, FOrbLEOP


%   Copyright (c) 2007, 2014 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.


dToR = pi/180;
rToD = 180/pi;

ode113 accuracy

absTol = 1e-12;
relTol = 1e-12;

Plan is the fraction of the total required burn in a particular rev

burnFraction = [0 0.5 0 0.3 0 0.15 0 0.05 0];

% LAE engine
%   /400N_Bipropellant_Apogee_Engine_S400.html
d        = struct();
d.thrust = 420;  % N
d.uE     = 318*9.806; % km/s
d.cDA    = 2.7; % For drag model     = Constant('mu earth');
mass     = 3000; % Total fueled spacecraft mass in kg

The insertion orbit

rA       = 42167;
rP       =  6578;
i        = 28.5*dToR;
M        = pi/4; % This is the separation point from the upper stage

Find the orbit r and v

e        = RARP2E( rA, rP );
a        = RARP2A( rA, rP );

el       = [a i 0 0 e M];
[r, v]   = El2RV( el );

fprintf('-----------------\n Transfer Orbit\n-----------------\n');
fprintf('Semi-major axis     = %12.2f km ',el(1)     );
fprintf('Inclination         = %12.2f deg',el(2)*rToD);
fprintf('Argument of perigee = %12.2f deg',el(3)*rToD);
fprintf('Ascending node      = %12.2f deg',el(4)*rToD);
fprintf('Eccentricity        = %12.2f    ',el(5)     );
fprintf('Mean Anomaly        = %12.2f deg',el(6)*rToD);
 Transfer Orbit
Semi-major axis     =     24372.50 km Inclination         =        28.50 degArgument of perigee =         0.00 degAscending node      =         0.00 degEccentricity        =         0.73    Mean Anomaly        =        45.00 deg

The drift orbit

aD = rA;
eD = 0;
iD = 0;

[rDrift, vDrift] = El2RV( [aD, iD, el(3), el(4), eD, pi ]);

Compute apogee to find the total required velocity change

[rA, vA] = El2RV( [el(1:5) pi] );

dV     = vDrift - vA;

dVMag  = Mag(dV);

mRatio = exp(dVMag/(d.uE/1000));
mFuel  = mass*(mRatio - 1)/mRatio;
tBurn  = mFuel*d.uE/d.thrust;
mDry   = mass - mFuel;

fprintf('\n-----------------\n Burn Plan \n-----------------\n');
fprintf('Delta V             = %12.2f km/s\n',dVMag );
fprintf('Burn vector         = [%8.5f;%8.5f;%8.5f]\n',Unit(dV));
fprintf('Fuel mass           = %12.2f kg\n',  mFuel);
fprintf('Burn duration       = %12.1f sec\n', tBurn);
 Burn Plan 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =       9913.5 sec

Specify the ode113 accuracy

xODEOptions = odeset( 'AbsTol', absTol, 'RelTol', relTol, 'events', @FOrbLEOPStopping );

Initialize the state vector

x = [r;v;mass];

Propagate the orbits

tP = [];
xP = [];
t0 = 0;
for k = 1:length(burnFraction)
  tBurnRev = tBurn*burnFraction(k);
  a        = RV2A( Mag(x(1:3)), Mag(x(4:6)) );
  p        = Period( a );

  fprintf('\n-----------------\n Burn Plan Rev %d \n-----------------\n',k);
  fprintf('Delta V             = %12.2f km/s\n',dVMag );
  fprintf('Burn vector         = [%8.5f;%8.5f;%8.5f]\n',Unit(dV));
  fprintf('Fuel mass           = %12.2f kg\n',  mFuel);
  fprintf('Burn duration       = %12.1f sec\n', tBurnRev);

  % Thrust vector
  d.uThrust   = Unit(dV);

  % To prevent thruster firings
  d.burnStart = 1e9;
  d.burnEnd   = 1e9;

  % If a burn is scheduled use ode113 events
  if( burnFraction(k) > 0 )
    inBurn = 1;
    xODEOptions = odeset( 'AbsTol', absTol, 'RelTol', relTol, 'events', @FOrbLEOPStopping  );
    inBurn = 0;
    xODEOptions = odeset( 'AbsTol', absTol, 'RelTol', relTol, 'events', @FOrbLEOPStopping   );

  % We propagate until apogee and then back up early enough to do the next
  % burn
  [t, x]     = ode113( @FOrbLEOP, [0,p], x, xODEOptions, d );

  % Finish the propagation with the rest of the orbit starting with the
  % burn
  if( inBurn == 1)
    tApogee      = t(end);
    tStart       = tApogee - tBurnRev/2;
    j            = find( t <= tStart , 1, 'last' );
    x            = x';
    xP           = [xP x(:,2:j)];
    tP           = [tP t(2:j)'+ t0];
    x            = x(:,j);
    xODEOptions  = odeset( 'AbsTol', absTol, 'RelTol', relTol );
    d.burnStart  = tStart;
    d.burnEnd    = tStart + tBurnRev;
    [t, x]       = ode113( @FOrbLEOP, [d.burnStart p], x, xODEOptions, d );

  % Assemble the plotting arrays
  x          = x';
  xP         = [xP x(:,2:end)];
  tP         = [tP t(2:end)' + t0];
  t0         = t0 + p;

  % The next initial condition
  x          = x(:,end);

 Burn Plan Rev 1 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =          0.0 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 2 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =       4956.8 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 3 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =          0.0 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 4 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =       2974.1 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 5 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =          0.0 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 6 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =       1487.0 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 7 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =          0.0 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 8 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =        495.7 sec

 Burn Plan Rev 9 
Delta V             =         1.84 km/s
Burn vector         = [ 0.00000;-0.90982; 0.41501]
Fuel mass           =      1335.24 kg
Burn duration       =          0.0 sec

Plot states

[t, tL] = TimeLabl( tP );
xP(7,:) = xP(7,:) - mDry;
Plot2D( t, xP, tL, {'x (km)', 'y (km)', 'z (km)' 'v_x (km/s)' 'v_y (km/s)' 'v_z (km/s)' 'm_f (kg)'}, 'State' );

Plot elements

n = size(xP,2);
el = zeros(6,n);
for k = 1:n
  el(:,k) = RV2El( xP(1:3,k), xP(4:6,k) );

el([2:4 6],:) = el([2:4 6],:)*rToD;
Plot2D( t, el([1 2 5],:), tL, {'a (km)', 'i (deg)', 'e'}, 'Elements' );

3D orbit picture

OrbTrackECI3D( xP(1:3,:));
