Simulates two orbits and plots their relative positions.

Since version 11.
See also RelativeCoord., QLVLH, QPose, NewFig, Plot2D, TimeGUI,
XLabelS, YLabelS, ZLabelS, RK4, JD2000, TOrbit, El2RV, DrawSCPlugIn


%	Copyright 1999 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Clean up the workspace

clear g x1Plot x2Plot x1 x2

Global for the time interface

global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';


degToRad  = pi/180;

Generate the orbit

nSim      = 1000;
dTSim     =  2*86.4;
tOrbit    = (0:(nSim-1))*dTSim;

Load the spacecraft

g(1)      = load('SatWThrusters.mat');
g(2)      = g(1);
g(1).name = 'Sat #1';
g(2).name = 'Sat #2';

Initialize the arrays

x1Plot    = zeros(6,nSim);
x2Plot    = zeros(6,nSim);

Initialize the orbits

[r1,v1] = El2RV( [14164.0 0*degToRad 0 0 0 0]);
[r2,v2] = El2RV( [14164.0 0*degToRad 0 0 0 3/42164000]);
x1      = [r1;v1];
x2      = [r2;v2];
t       = 0;
jD      = JD2000;


a1 = [0;0;0];
a2 = [0;1;0]*1.e-9;

Initialize the 3D window

g(1).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) ));
g(2).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) ));
g(1).rECI             = r1;
g(1).qLVLH            = QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) );
g(2).rECI             = r2;
g(2).qLVLH            = QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) );
tag3DWindow           = DrawSCPlugIn( 'initialize', g, [], [], 'Earth', jD );
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Initialize the time display

tToGoMem.lastJD        = 0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone = 0;
tToGoMem.kAve          = 0;
ratioRealTime          = 0;
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] =  TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, dTSim, 'Relative Orbit Simulation' );

Generate the two orbits using numerical integration

for k = 1:nSim

  % Display the status message
  [ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dTSim );

  % Plotting
  x1Plot(:,k) = x1;
  x2Plot(:,k) = x2;

  % Control System. The measurements come from the controlling spacecraft
  % and the target spacecraft
  d           = RelativeCoord( x1(1:3), x1(4:6), x2(1:3) );

   % Transformation matrices
  g(1).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) ));
  g(2).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) ));
  g(1).rECI             = x1(1:3);
  g(2).rECI             = x2(1:3);
  g(1).qLVLH            = QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) );
  g(2).qLVLH            = QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) );
  DrawSCPlugIn( 'update spacecraft', tag3DWindow, g, jD );

  % Propagate the orbits
  x1 = RK4( 'FOrb', x1, dTSim, t, 'car', a1 );
  x2 = RK4( 'FOrb', x2, dTSim, t, 'car', a2 );

  % Update the time
  t  =  t + dTSim;
  jD = jD + dTSim/86400;

  % Time control
  switch simulationAction
    case 'pause'
      simulationAction = ' ';
    case 'stop'
    case 'plot'

j  = 1:k;

r1 = x1Plot(1:3,j);
v1 = x1Plot(4:6,j);
r2 = x2Plot(1:3,j);
d  = RelativeCoord( r1, v1, r2 );


xLbl = 'Time (min)';
yLbl = ['x1 ECI';'y1 ECI';'z2 ECI';...
        'x2 ECI';'y2 ECI';'z2 ECI'];

Plot2D( tOrbit(j)/60, [r1; r2], xLbl, yLbl, 'Orbits' )

NewFig('Relative Orbit')
plot3( d(1,j), d(2,j) ,d(3,j) )
XLabelS('x (km)')
YLabelS('y (km)')
ZLabelS('z (km)')

% PSS internal file version information