Simulates two orbits and plots their relative positions.
Since version 11.
See also RelativeCoord., QLVLH, QPose, NewFig, Plot2D, TimeGUI,
XLabelS, YLabelS, ZLabelS, RK4, JD2000, TOrbit, El2RV, DrawSCPlugIn
Clean up the workspace
clear g x1Plot x2Plot x1 x2
Global for the time interface
global simulationAction
simulationAction = ' ';
degToRad = pi/180;
Generate the orbit
nSim = 1000;
dTSim = 2*86.4;
tOrbit = (0:(nSim-1))*dTSim;
Load the spacecraft
g(1) = load('SatWThrusters.mat');
g(2) = g(1);
g(1).name = 'Sat #1';
g(2).name = 'Sat #2';
Initialize the arrays
x1Plot = zeros(6,nSim);
x2Plot = zeros(6,nSim);
Initialize the orbits
[r1,v1] = El2RV( [14164.0 0*degToRad 0 0 0 0]);
[r2,v2] = El2RV( [14164.0 0*degToRad 0 0 0 3/42164000]);
x1 = [r1;v1];
x2 = [r2;v2];
t = 0;
jD = JD2000;
a1 = [0;0;0];
a2 = [0;1;0]*1.e-9;
Initialize the 3D window
g(1).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) ));
g(2).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) ));
g(1).rECI = r1;
g(1).qLVLH = QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) );
g(2).rECI = r2;
g(2).qLVLH = QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) );
tag3DWindow = DrawSCPlugIn( 'initialize', g, [], [], 'Earth', jD );
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CameraPositionMode: 'manual'
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SelectionHighlight: on
SortMethod: 'depth'
Tag: 'Spacecraft'
TickDir: 'out'
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ZScale: 'linear'
ZTick: [1×7 double]
ZTickLabel: {7×1 cell}
ZTickLabelMode: 'auto'
ZTickLabelRotation: 0
ZTickMode: 'auto'
Initialize the time display
tToGoMem.lastJD = 0;
tToGoMem.lastStepsDone = 0;
tToGoMem.kAve = 0;
ratioRealTime = 0;
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, 0, tToGoMem, 0, dTSim, 'Relative Orbit Simulation' );
Generate the two orbits using numerical integration
for k = 1:nSim
[ ratioRealTime, tToGoMem ] = TimeGUI( nSim, k, tToGoMem, ratioRealTime, dTSim );
x1Plot(:,k) = x1;
x2Plot(:,k) = x2;
d = RelativeCoord( x1(1:3), x1(4:6), x2(1:3) );
g(1).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) ));
g(2).body(1).bHinge.q = QPose(QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) ));
g(1).rECI = x1(1:3);
g(2).rECI = x2(1:3);
g(1).qLVLH = QLVLH( x1(1:3), x1(4:6) );
g(2).qLVLH = QLVLH( x2(1:3), x2(4:6) );
DrawSCPlugIn( 'update spacecraft', tag3DWindow, g, jD );
x1 = RK4( 'FOrb', x1, dTSim, t, 'car', a1 );
x2 = RK4( 'FOrb', x2, dTSim, t, 'car', a2 );
t = t + dTSim;
jD = jD + dTSim/86400;
switch simulationAction
case 'pause'
simulationAction = ' ';
case 'stop'
case 'plot'
j = 1:k;
r1 = x1Plot(1:3,j);
v1 = x1Plot(4:6,j);
r2 = x2Plot(1:3,j);
d = RelativeCoord( r1, v1, r2 );
xLbl = 'Time (min)';
yLbl = ['x1 ECI';'y1 ECI';'z2 ECI';...
'x2 ECI';'y2 ECI';'z2 ECI'];
Plot2D( tOrbit(j)/60, [r1; r2], xLbl, yLbl, 'Orbits' )
NewFig('Relative Orbit')
plot3( d(1,j), d(2,j) ,d(3,j) )
XLabelS('x (km)')
YLabelS('y (km)')
ZLabelS('z (km)')