Compare a constant-thrust mission to optimal linear acceleration

First find the constant-thrust solution for a given distance, time, and engine configuration. The compute the equivalent optimal mission in two cases:

1. the fuel is 100% consumed and the trip is shorter;
2. the trip is the same duration and the saved fuel mass can be extra

See also: Straight2DStructure, ComputeThrust, SLPLFindDuration,


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%   Since version 2020.2

Define the default straight-line scenario

d = Straight2DStructure;

Compute and display the constant-thrust solution

[thrust,data] = ComputeThrust( d, true );
SimulateStraightLineTrajectory( data );
     ---- INPUTS -----           --    -- 
               Payload         1000    kg 
      Desired distance         5.20    AU 
           Travel time         1.10 years 
     ---- ENGINE -----           --    -- 
     Thrust Efficiency         0.40       
      Exhaust velocity          100  km/s 
        Specific Power         1.00 kW/kg 
    Fuel Tank Fraction         0.05       
 Payload Mass Fraction         0.16 mP/m0 
Payload Power Fraction         0.73 kg/kW 
                Thrust        11.01     N 
     ---- OUTPUTS ----           --    -- 
            Total Mass      6391.70    kg 
              Mass Dry      2568.05    kg 
           Mass Engine      1376.86    kg 
             Mass Fuel      3823.65    kg 
             Flow Rate         0.11   g/s 
                 Power         1.38    MW 
               Delta-V        91.19  km/s 

Compute the faster trip duration for linear acceleration

Find the shorter duration if linear acceleration is used, assuming all fueml is consumed, using the same initial and payload masses

% Leitman's optimal mass ratios - more engine, less fuel
muF = 1 - sqrt(1 - (1-data.mP/data.m0)/(1+data.f));
muP = muF*(1-muF)*(1+data.f);
Pj     = muP*data.m0*data.sigma*data.eta; % jet power
dPL    = SLPLDataStructure;
dPL.dF = data.dF;
dPL.vF = 0; % rendezvous, final velocity is zero
dPL.Pj = Pj;
dPL.mD = (1 - muF)*data.m0; % dry mass
dPL.m0 = data.m0;
dPL.tF = [];
outPL  = SLPLSolver( dPL );
tOpt   = outPL.tF;
aMax   = outPL.A*(d.tF - outPL.tau);

fprintf('\nCOMPUTING optimal duration:\n');
fprintf('---- Optimal Inputs ----\n');
fprintf('Distance:     %g au\n',data.dF/Constant('au'));
fprintf('Initial mass: %g kg\n',data.m0);
fprintf('Fuel mass:    %g kg\n',data.mF);
fprintf('---- Output ----\n');
fprintf('Acceleration: %g m/s\n',aMax);
fprintf('Duration:     %g days\n',tOpt/86400);
fprintf('Time saved:   %g days\n',(data.tF-tOpt)/86400)
COMPUTING optimal duration:
---- Optimal Inputs ----
Distance:     5.2 au
Initial mass: 6391.7 kg
Fuel mass:    3823.65 kg
---- Output ----
Acceleration: 0.00653871 m/s
Duration:     351.065 days
Time saved:   50.7096 days

Find the higher payload mass, assuming the same trip duration with less fuel

vF = 0;
costFun = @(x) data.m0 - SLPLFindMass( d.dF, d.tF, dPL.Pj, vF, data.mD+x );
[deltaM,fval] = fzero( costFun, 500 );
[m0,A,tau] = SLPLFindMass( d.dF, d.tF, dPL.Pj, vF, data.mD+deltaM );
aMax = A*(d.tF - tau);

mD = data.mD+deltaM;
mF = m0 - mD;
mE = Pj/d.eta/d.sigma;
mP = data.mD - mE - d.f*mF;

fprintf('\nCOMPUTING optimal mass:\n');
fprintf('---- Optimal Inputs ----\n');
fprintf('Distance:     %g au\n',data.dF/Constant('au'));
fprintf('Initial mass: %g kg\n',data.m0);
fprintf('Duration:     %g days\n',data.tF/86400);
fprintf('---- Output ----\n');
fprintf('Acceleration: %g m/s\n',aMax);
fprintf('Fuel mass:    %g kg\n',m0 - (data.mD+deltaM));
fprintf('Mass saved:   %g kg\n',deltaM)
fprintf('New Payload:  %g kg\n',mP)

%[mP,lambda,d] = SLPLComputePayload( d, data )
COMPUTING optimal mass:
---- Optimal Inputs ----
Distance:     5.2 au
Initial mass: 6391.7 kg
Duration:     401.775 days
---- Output ----
Acceleration: 0.00387335 m/s
Fuel mass:    2913.01 kg
Mass saved:   910.64 kg
New Payload:  766.061 kg

Plot the optimal mass solution

[t,x,v,a,m,uE,T] = SLPLTrajectory( A, tau, Pj, m0, d.tF );
[tP,tL] = TimeLabl(t);
NewFig('SLPL Trajectory')
yyaxis left
ylabel('Distance (au)')
yyaxis right
grid on
ylabel('Velocity (km/s)')
title('SLPL Trajectory, Optimal Mass')
ylabel('Acceleration (m/s)');
grid on
ylabel('Mass (kg)')
grid on
text(tP(end)/2,m(end)+0.5*(m(1)-m(end)),sprintf('Fuel mass: %g kg',m(1)-m(end)));
yyaxis left
ylabel('Thrust (N)')
yyaxis right
uE0 = max([uE(1) abs(uE(end))]);
yy = axis;
axis([yy(1:2) uE0/0.009806*10*[-1 1]]);
grid on
ylabel('Isp (s)')
