Simulates a spiral out from LEO.

The trajectory as plotted as well as the orbital elements in the
heliocentric frame. The final orbital elements at the end of the
spiral out are printed to the command window. This demo demonstrates
several coordinate transformation
Since version 10.
See also Constant, CRTBPRHS, El2RV, RV2El, TransformECIToSEMR,


%	 Copyright (c) 2012 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


muSEM         = Constant('mu sem');
aU            = Constant('au');
earthYear     = Constant('earth year');
muEarth       = Constant('mu earth');
muSun         = Constant('mu sun');
radiusEarth   = Constant('earth radius equator');
degToRad      = pi/180;
secPerDay     = 86400;
vOrbit        = 2*pi*aU/earthYear; % Earth orbital velocity about the sun km/year
g             = 0.009806;	% gravitational acceleration (km/s^2)

Stopping ratio

This is the ratio of sun gravity to earth gravity at the point of interest.

ratioStopping = 2;

Spacecraft Parameters

Mass, thrust and specific impulse.

mass0         = 27;       % mass             (kg)
thrust        = 3.8e-6;   % thrust           (kN)
Isp           = 2460;    	% specific impulse (sec)


Starting date and orbital elements.

startDate     = [2012 8 8 12 0 0];
altitude      = 600;
inc           = 0;   % inclination ...     Use 21 deg to match lunar inc
raan          = 348;	% right ascension ... Use 348 deg to match lunar raan
ecc           = 0.0;  % eccentricity
meanAnom      = 0.0;	% mean anomaly

Derived parameters

uE            = g*Isp;    % exhaust velocity (km/s)
rE            = muSun*aU/(muSun + muEarth);
rS            = aU - rE;

jD0           = Date2JD(startDate);
sma           = radiusEarth + altitude;

el0           = [sma, inc*degToRad, raan*degToRad, 0, ecc, 0];
[rECI,vECI]   = El2RV(el0,muEarth);

% Transform from ECI to SEM rotating frame
[rSEMR0,vSEMR0] = TransformECIToSEMR(jD0,rECI,vECI);
rSEMRND0        = rSEMR0/aU;
vSEMRND0        = vSEMR0/vOrbit;

% Simulate in CRTBP with no thrust applied to ensure it is a stable LEO as
% expected
disp('Simulate in CRTBP with no thrust applied using CRTBPRHS...')
options       = odeset('RelTol',1e-12,'AbsTol',1e-28);
rhs           = @(t,y) CRTBPRHS(y,t,muSEM);
[t,y]         = ode113(rhs,[0 1/12],[rSEMRND0;vSEMRND0],options);
Simulate in CRTBP with no thrust applied using CRTBPRHS...
ans = 
  Figure (PlotPSS) with properties:

      Number: 1
        Name: 'SEMRND'
       Color: [0 0 0]
    Position: [560 528 560 420]
       Units: 'pixels'

  Use GET to show all properties

Simulate spiral out from Earth

The functions and non-dimensional parameters

thrustND      = thrust  * earthYear^2/ (2*pi*aU);
uEND          = uE / vOrbit;
afun          = @(y) thrustND*Unit(y(4:6))/y(7);
rhs           = @(t,y) FCRTBPRHS(y,t,muSEM,afun(y),uEND);
options       = odeset('RelTol',1e-12,'AbsTol',1e-14);

% Stopping conditions
dStop.L       = aU;
dStop.muSun   = muSun;
dStop.muEarth	= muEarth;
dStop.rS      = [rS;0;0];
dStop.rE      = [rE;0;0];
dStop.ratio   = ratioStopping;

disp('Simulate spiral out from Earth using FCRTBPRHS...')
options       = odeset(options,'events',@(t,x) LowThrustCRTBP_StopFcn(t,x,dStop));
[t1,y1]       = ode113(rhs,[0 2],[rSEMRND0;vSEMRND0;mass0],options);
t1d           = t1*earthYear/secPerDay; % time in days

rSEMRND       = y1(:,1:3)';
vSEMRND       = y1(:,4:6)';
mass          = y1(:,7);

rSEMR         = rSEMRND*aU;
vSEMR         = vSEMRND*vOrbit;
jD            = jD0 + t1d';
Simulate spiral out from Earth using FCRTBPRHS...

Dimensional ECI sim with spiral

disp('Simulate Dimensional ECI sim...')
thrust2       = thrust;
mDot          = thrust2/uE;
rhs           = @(t,y) [y(4:6); -y(1:3)*muEarth/Mag(y(1:3))^3 + Unit(y(4:6))*thrust2/y(7); mDot];
[t2,y2]       = ode113(rhs,[0 10*86400],[rECI;vECI;mass0],options);
re2           = y2(:,1:3)';
ve2           = y2(:,4:6)';
m2            = y2(:,7)';
el2           = zeros(length(t2),6);
for i=1:length(t2)

elHelio = zeros(length(t1),6);
for i=1:length(t1)
  elHelio(i,:) = RV2El(rSEMI(:,i), vSEMI(:,i), Constant('mu sun'));
elHelioExit = elHelio(i,:);
Simulate Dimensional ECI sim...


NewFig('Low thrust spiral')
axis equal
xlabel('X [km]')
ylabel('Y [km]')
axis([-3 1.5 -3 2 -3 3]*1e5)
hold on
t1dd = 0:floor(t1d(end));
rd = interp1(t1d,rSEMR',t1dd)';
grid on

% Plot helio orbital elements of Earth spiral
Plot2D(t1d',elHelio(:,1:5)','Time (sec)',...
  {'a (km)','i (rad)','\Omega (rad)','\omega (rad)','ecc.'},...
  'Heilocentric elements of Earth Spiral');

% Plot spiral out traj in rotating SEMR frame (non-dim)

% PSS internal file version information
ans = 
  Figure (PlotPSS) with properties:

      Number: 4
        Name: 'SEMRND'
       Color: [0 0 0]
    Position: [560 528 560 420]
       Units: 'pixels'

  Use GET to show all properties